[IAUC] IAUC 8849: C/2007 M1; V2362 Cyg [25139-2008/05-R1]

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Lun Jun 18 11:58:49 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8849
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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     R. H. McNaught reports his discovery of a comet on CCD images
taken with the 0.5-m Uppsala Schmidt telescope at Siding Spring
(discovery observation tabulated below), the weak discovery images
showing the object to be very diffuse; the FWHM of the object on
all images is slightly larger than stars of the same brightness,
(6", vs. 4" for the stars).  Following posting on the Minor Planet
Center's 'NEOCP' webpage, two other observers have noted the
object's cometary appearance:  J. Young reports that CCD images
taken in below-average seeing conditions on June 18.32-18.36 UT
with the Table Mountain 0.61-m reflector show a slightly elongated
coma of diameter 6"-8" with a bright inner core and a hint of a
nondescript tail in p.a. approximately 70-120 deg.  J. E. McGaha,
Tucson, AZ, reports that his 90-s images taken with a 0.62-m
reflector on June 18.4 show a stellar nuclear condensation with a
7" round coma.

     2007 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Mag.
     June 16.70834   20 42 02.29   - 0 12 32.1   18.8

The available astrometry, very preliminary parabolic orbital
elements (T = 2009 Mar. 24.947 TT, q = 6.41560 AU, Peri. = 73.778,
Node = 326.712, i = 139.862, equinox 2000.0), and an ephemeris
appear on MPEC 2007-M09.

     D. K. Lynch, R. J. Rudy, R. W. Russell, S. Mazuk, and R. L.
Pearson, The Aerospace Corporation; R. C. Puetter, Center for
Astrophysics and Space Science, University of California at San
Diego; C. E. Woodward, University of Minnesota; and R. B. Perry,
Langley Research Center, NASA, report 0.4- to 2.5-micron
spectroscopy of this nova (cf. IAUC 8697, 8698, 8710, 8731, 8785,
8788) using the Lick 3-m telescope (+ VNIRIS) on May 7 UT, as well
as 0.8- to 5.5-micron spectroscopy using the Infrared Telescope
Facility 3-m telescope (+ SpeX) on June 1.  The nova is well into
its nebular phase with lines such as [O II], [O III], [N II]
dominating the optical spectrum.  Emission lines of neutral metals
like O I have disappeared.  Weak coronal lines of [S VIII], [Si VI],
and probably [Si VII] are also present, along with moderate He II
emission.  Line profiles are flat-topped or perhaps slightly double-
peaked and have FWHM of about 2000 km/s.  Thermal emission from
dust that increases to longer wavelengths continues to dominate the
infrared luminosity.

                      (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 June 18                   (8849)            Daniel W. E. Green

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