[IAUC] IAUC 8850: V390 Nor = N Nor 2007; C/2004 A4, C/2004 B11,, C/2004 J20 [25139-2008/05-R1]

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Mie Jun 20 14:58:54 ART 2007

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     W. Liller, Vina del Mar, Chile, reports his discovery of an
apparent nova (mag approximately 9.4) located at R.A. = 16h32m.2,
Decl. = -45o08' (equinox 2000.0) on two Technical Pan films taken
around June 15.086 UT with an orange filter and an 85-mm camera
lens.  G. Bolt (Perth, Western Australia, 0.20-m reflector) reports
that his unfiltered CCD image taken on June 16.7 yields the
following precise position for the new object:  R.A. = 16h32m11s.51,
Decl. = -45o09'13".4.  Additional reported CCD position end figures:
11s.46, 13".6 (R. Santallo, Tahiti, 0.20-m reflector); 11s.48,
13".2 (L. A. G. Monard, Pretoria, S. Africa, 0.35-m reflector).
Additional approximate magnitudes:  1997 Mar. 31, [20 (Digitized
Sky Survey, via Bolt); 2007 May 17.615, [10.2 (K. Haseda, Toyohashi,
Aichi, Japan, Canon EOS-5D camera + 120-mm f/3.5 telephoto lens;
via H. Yamaoka, Kyushu University); 20.1, [11.0 (Liller); 27.701,
9.3 (Haseda; prediscovery); June 7.193, 9.1 (Liller); 16.7, 8.9-9.5
(Bolt); 16.946, 10.3 (J. G. de S. Aguiar, Campinas, Brazil; visual);
17.76, B = 11.0, V = 10.1, R = 9.3 (Monard); 17.950, 10.1 (Aguiar;
visual); 18.042, 10.3 (A. Amorim, Florianopolis, Brazil; visual);
18.498, 9.3 (Santallo; CCD red); 18.520, 10.2 (A. Pearce, Nedlands,
W. Australia; visual); 18.945, 10.0 (Aguiar; visual).  Bolt notes
that the nearest star to the new object appears to be a USNO-B1.0-
catalogued star (red mag about 15-16) located about 3" to the
     E. Kazarovets, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, reports that
the designation V390 Nor has been assigned to this nova.

COMETS C/2004 A4, C/2004 B11, AND C/2004 J20 (SOHO)
     Three additional near-sun comets (cf. IAUC 8848) have been
found by B. Zhou on archival 2004 SOHO website images -- all being
Kreutz sungrazers except for C/2004 J20 (Kracht group).  Each was
stellar in appearance and faint, the two Kreutz sungrazings
reaching mag about 7-7.5 and C/2004 J20 peaking in brightness at
mag about 8.

 Comet        2004 UT      R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2004 A4    Jan. 7.929  19 25.6   -25 43    C3    BZ   2007-L16
 C/2004 B11       20.864  20 22.6   -21 54    C3    BZ   2007-L16
 C/2004 J20   May 13.618   3 27.2   +19 11    C2    BZ   2007-K65

                      (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 June 20                   (8850)            Daniel W. E. Green

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