- Oct 2023 Host - Scientific TV show ''The penultimate question: Cosmology''.
Canal Encuentro. Content development and Episode hosting.
- Oct 2023 Debate talk ''What it's like to be a Scientist: a Cosmologist's perspective''.
Meeting with 6th year high school students at the School ''Colegio Nacional Rafael Hernández - UNLP''. Invited by Dr. Daniel Cabra.
- Mar 2023 Outreach talk at the Planetarium of La Plata.
Title: ``The Enigmas of the Cosmos: Deciphering the Origin and Nature of the Universe''. (Youtube)
- Apr 2023 Participation as invited scientist at the event ``Apasionadas por el Universo''.
Event to promote STEM among girls and teenagers. Planetarium of Buenos Aires.
(webpage - Youtube)
- Oct 2022 Outreach talk at the Planetarium of Rosario city. Title: ''Searching for the origin of the Universe''.
- Oct 2022 Outreach talk at the Planetarium of La Plata.
Title: ''Searching for the origin of the Universe''.
- Jun 2022 Outreach talk at the Galileo Galilei Planetarium, Buenos Aires city. Title: ''Searching for the traces of the origin of the Universe''.
- November 2021. Outreach talk at the Planetarium of Rosario City. Title: ``Studing the origins of the Universe through the Cosmic Microwave Background'' (Youtube)
- October 2021. Co-organizer of outreach activities for the ''International Dark Matter Day''. Design of activities aimed at the general public: talks at cafes and pubs, drawing contests for children, science fairs.
- May 2021. Outreach talk at the La Plata Planetarium. Title: ``Studing the origins of the Universe through the Cosmic Microwave Background'' (Youtube)
- November 2020. Invited outreach talk at the ''Week of Sciences''. Inmaculada Concepción de Villa Dominico Secondary School. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Title: ``What is Cosmology?''.
- October 2020. Participation as invited scientist at the ``International Dark Matter Day''. Commenting on drawings made by children participating in an open contest, through videos uploaded on social media (Youtube, Twitter, Instagram).
- November 2019. Invited talk in the ``Workshop of preprints and open science''. Series of talks and workshops on Open and Citizen Science. Centro Cultural la Ciencia (C3), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Title: ``Preprints in Astronomy''.
- October 2019. Invited talk at the La Plata Planetarium, in the framework of the International Dark Matter Day. Title: ``The dark side of the Universe''.
- March 2019. Invited participation in the round table ``Scientist women'', in the meeting ``Women on the move''. Activity organized by the La Plata Planetarium to discuss the role of women in Science.
- November 2016. Outreach talk in the series ``Fridays at the Observatory''. La Plata Planetarium. Title: ``Glimpsing the origin of the Universe from the Puna salteña''.
- March 2016. Invited article in the journal Núcleos,
Editorial UNNOBA. Title ``Discovering the Universe: The dark pieces of the cosmic puzzle'' (11 pages).
- November 2015. Debate talk ``The origin of the Universe''. Meeting with 3rd grade school children at the School ``Escuela Graduada Joaquín V. González'', in the framework of a Philosophy workshop. en el marco un taller filosofía. Invited by la Mg. in Philosophy Luciana Carrera.
- October 2015. Outreach talk in the series ``Fridays at the Observatory''. La Plata Planetarium. Title: ``Discovering the Universe: The dark pieces of the cosmic puzzle''.
- 2007. Outreach talk in the series ``Talks at the Observatory''. La Plata Observatory. Title: ``The cosmic microwave background''.
1998 - 2004:
Guide at the Observatory of La Plata.
Activities included:
Atention to visits of Schools and the general public.
Planning and atention of educational astronomy workshops.