[IAUC] IAUC 9031: COMET P/2009 F3 (LINEAR); C/2008 X7-X12 [25139-2009/08-R1]

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Vie Mar 20 17:33:57 ART 2009

                                                  Circular No. 9031
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     E. Guido, G. Sostero, and P. Camilleri report their recovery
of comet P/2001 MD_7 (cf. IAUC 7660) on unfiltered CCD exposures
obtained remotely with the RAS Observatory 0.25-m f/3.4 reflector
near Mayhill, NM, U.S.A., on Mar. 17 and 18 (with ten stacked 120-s
images on Mar. 18.49 UT showed a diffuse coma about 15" in diameter)
and on additional exposures obtained on Mar. 20 remotely with the
0.35-m f/6.7 reflector of Grove Creek Observatory at Trunkey, N.S.W.,

     2009 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Mag.
     Mar. 17.49833   19 43 45.97   -14 58 54.1   18.2
          17.50484   19 43 46.60   -14 58 49.5   18.1
          18.47991   19 45 35.79   -14 55 18.7   18.9
          18.49643   19 45 37.64   -14 55 18.3   18.3
          20.74117   19 49 50.08   -14 46 52.0   18.2
          20.75159   19 49 51.24   -14 46 49.6   18.1
          20.77107   19 49 53.43   -14 46 45.1   18.0

The indicated correction to the predictions on MPC 56804 and the
2008-2009 Comet Handbook is Delta(T) = +0.01 day.  Linked orbital
elements by B. G. Marsden and an ephemeris appear on MPEC 2009-F51.

COMETS C/2008 X7-X12 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9030, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on SOHO website images.  C/2008 X7 and C/2008 X8 were very
diffuse (peak magnitudes about 8 and 7.5-8, respectively).  C/2008
X9 was small and condensed (mag about 7-7.5).  C/2008 X10 was tiny
and stellar in appearance (mag about 8).  C/2008 X11 was small and
stellar in appearance (mag about 7) in C3 images, but slightly
diffuse with a short, faint, diffuse tail in C2 images.  C/2008 X12
was small and stellar in appearance (mag about 6.5) in C3 images,
but condensed with a very thin, faint tail in C2 images.

 Comet        2008 UT      R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2008 X7    Dec. 1.329   16 31.0  -23 40   C2     MU   2009-E60
 C/2008 X8         2.686   16 38.1  -23 55   C2     MA   2009-E60
 C/2008 X9         3.604   16 41.2  -24 02   C2     EB   2009-E60
 C/2008 X10        3.938   16 42.5  -24 05   C2     RK   2009-E61
 C/2008 X11        5.154   16 48.0  -25 51   C3/2   SY   2009-E61
 C/2008 X12        8.846   17 02.9  -26 54   C3/2   MU   2009-E61

                      (C) Copyright 2009 CBAT
2009 March 20                  (9031)            Daniel W. E. Green

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