[IAUC] CBET 688: 20061024 : SUPERNOVAE 2006kg-2006lc

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Vie Jun 22 17:04:31 ART 2007

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 688
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
M.S. 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
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SUPERNOVAE 2006kg-2006lc
     Further to CBETs 611 and 680, B. Bassett, South African Astronomical
Observatory (SAAO); A. Becker, University of Washington (UW); H. Brewington,
Apache Point Observatory (APO); C. Choi, Seoul National University (SNU);
D. Cinabro, Wayne State University; F. DeJongh, Fermilab; J. Dembicky, APO;
D. L. DePoy, Ohio State University (OSU); B. Dilday, University of Chicago
(UC); M. Doi, University of Tokyo (UoT); J. Frieman, Fermilab and UC; P.
Garnavich, University of Notre Dame; M. Harvanek, APO; C. Hogan, UW; J.
Holtzman, New Mexico State University; M. Im, SNU; S. Jha, Stanford
University (SU); K. Konishi, UoT; J. Krzesinski, APO; H. Lampeitl, Space
Telescope Science Institute (STScI); R. Kessler, UC; B. Ketzeback, D. Long,
O. Malanushenko, and V. Malanushenko, APO; J. Marriner and D. McGinnis,
Fermilab; R. McMillan, APO; G. Miknaitis, Fermilab; T. Morokuma, UoT; R.
Nichol, University of Portsmouth (UP); K. Pan, APO; J. L. Prieto, OSU; M.
Richmond, Rochester Institute of Technology; A. Riess, STScI; R. Romani,
SU; M. Sako, University of Pennsylvania; G. Saurage, APO; D. Schneider,
Pennsylvania State University; M. Smith, UP; S. Snedden, APO; N. Takanashi
and K. Tokita, UoT; K. van der Heyden, SAAO; S. Watters, APO; C. Wheeler,
University of Texas; N. Yasuda, UoT; and C. Zheng, SU, on behalf of the
Sloan Digital Sky Survey II collaboration, report the discovery of 23
new supernovae on multiple g, r, and i images taken with the SDSS 2.5-m
telescope at APO by the SDSS observing team.  A. Aragon-Salamanca,
University of Nottingham; M. Bremer, University of Bristol; M. Turatto,
University of Padova; A. Goobar, University of Stockholm; R. Nichol; J.
Sollerman, University of Copenhagen; P. Ruiz-Lapuente and F. Castander,
University of Barcelona; A. Romer, University of Sussex; C. Collins,
Liverpool John Moores University; and J. Lucey and A. Edge, University of
Durham, report that spectroscopy obtained by M. Smith and M. Stritzinger
on Oct. 17 and 18 UT with the European Southern Observatory 3.6-m New
Technology Telescope shows 2006kq and 2006kt to be type-Ia supernovae,
2006kj to be a possible type-Ia supernova, 2006kh and 2006kn to be type-II
supernovae, and 2006kg to be a possible type-II supernova.  Romani, Zheng,
Sako, Wheeler, and Schneider, together with U. Hopp (University of Munich)
and W. Kollatschny (University of Goettingen), report that spectroscopic
observations with the Hobby Eberly Telescope on Oct. 18 and 20 show that
2006ki, 2006kk, 2006kl, 2006km, and 2006ks are type-Ia supernovae, while
2006ko and 2006kp are probable or possible type-Ia events.  Miknaitis,
McGinnis, and Marriner report that spectroscopic observations with the ARC
3.5-m telescope on Oct. 20 and 23 indicate that 2006kr is a type-Ia
supernova and 2006kv is a type-II supernova.  J. Eastman, J. L. Prieto, L.
Watson, R. Assef, K. Schlesinger, and D. DePoy, OSU; and A. Crotts, Columbia
University, report that spectroscopic observations with the Hiltner 2.4-m
telescope at MDM Observatory on Oct. 22 and 23 indicate that 2006ku, 2006kw,
2006kx, 2006ky, 2006kz, 2006la, and 2006lb are type-Ia supernovae, and that
2006lc is a probable type-Ic supernova.  The discovery magnitudes tabulated
below are all SDSS g magnitudes.  Spectroscopic redshifts are given in the
column labelled "z".  Peak dates (all 2006) are approximate estimates from
early fits to the multi-band light curves or from the spectra.

SN       Discov.       R.A. (2000.0) Decl.     Mag.    z    Estimated
         Date UT                                            Peak Date
2006kg   Sep. 11     1 04 16.98  + 0 46 08.9   20.2   0.23     --
2006kh   Sep. 11     1 49 11.85  - 0 36 18.9   20.6   0.06     --
2006ki   Sep. 20    21 06 34.18  - 0 38 52.6   23.2   0.22   Oct.  2
2006kj   Sep. 27     3 24 32.81  + 1 01 20.5   20.9   0.21   Oct.  4
2006kk   Sep. 28     0 27 39.86  + 0 38 58.2   22.8   0.39   Oct.  9
2006kl   Sep. 28     0 31 33.28  - 0 08 08.9   21.3   0.22   Oct.  3
2006km   Sep. 29     2 20 37.93  + 0 20 54.2   22.0   0.30   Oct.  2
2006kn   Sep. 30    20 58 05.22  + 0 54 01.7   21.0   0.12   Oct.  6
2006ko   Oct.  1     1 28 59.95  + 0 46 11.8   22.3   0.38   Oct. 10
2006kp   Oct.  1     2 11 11.66  + 0 41 45.0   23.3   0.29   Oct.  2
2006kq   Oct.  2    21 15 36.58  - 0 19 17.1   22.8   0.20   Oct. 11
2006kr   Oct. 11     0 19 19.68  + 1 05 26.6   22.2   0.22   Oct. 22
2006ks   Oct. 11    22 30 04.66  + 0 00 13.2   22.8   0.21   Oct. 19
2006kt   Oct. 12    21 35 50.32  - 1 03 26.8   21.5   0.24   Oct. 21
2006ku   Oct. 13    23 38 13.60  + 1 14 56.8   22.5   0.19   Oct. 25
2006kv   Oct. 16     0 03 06.66  + 0 54 49.6   19.5    --      --
2006kw   Oct. 16     2 14 57.98  + 0 36 09.0   21.2   0.19   Oct. 27
2006kx   Oct. 16     3 42 14.67  + 0 28 41.8   21.1   0.16   Oct. 29
2006ky   Oct. 17    21 18 40.40  - 1 01 27.4   21.5   0.18   Oct. 28
2006kz   Oct. 17    21 47 23.40  - 0 29 40.8   21.4   0.18   Oct. 29
2006la   Oct. 17    22 42 48.34  - 0 54 06.3   21.2   0.12   Oct. 28
2006lb   Oct. 20     3 19 28.19  - 0 19 04.9   20.9   0.18   Oct. 25
2006lc   Oct. 21    22 44 24.48  - 0 09 53.5   20.2   0.02   Nov.  1

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 October 24                  (CBET 688)               Daniel W. E. Green

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