[IAUC] IAUC 8765: P/2006 U3 [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 17:04:30 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8765
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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COMET P/2006 U3 (NEAT)
     R. Stoss, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg, and
Observatorio Astronomico de Mallorca, reports the recovery by J. L.
Ortiz and A. Mora of P/2001 K1 (NEAT) on CCD images obtained with
the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope at La Palma, the object appearing
asteroidal on 300-s R-band frames.  The astrometric observations
provided below were measured by Stoss.  The indicated correction to
the prediction on MPC 54169 is Delta(T) = -0.4 day.  The recovery
positions appear to confirm the proposed identification of this
comet with an object found by Stoss on Palomar Sky Survey plates
from 1955; the 1955 astrometry falls within 15" of the position
predicted from an orbit linking the 2001 and 2006 observations.

        Date UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Mag.
   1955 May  14.22084   14 18 41.81   + 6 22 39.7
             14.22778   14 18 41.50   + 6 22 38.0
             14.26250   14 18 40.12   + 6 22 27.3
   2006 Oct. 23.13259    4 53 18.59   +14 46 16.3   22.4
             23.13672    4 53 18.52   +14 46 16.2   22.2
             24.03318    4 52 59.72   +14 46 22.4   22.5
             24.03727    4 52 59.64   +14 46 22.5   22.2

     Orbital elements by B. G. Marsden, linking 1955 to 2006:

                    Epoch = 1954 Dec.  4.0 TT
     T = 1954 Dec. 22.7570 TT         Peri. =  93.0505
     e = 0.345814                     Node  =  86.3172  2000.0
     q = 2.564300 AU                  Incl. =  16.6409
       a =  3.919835 AU    n = 0.1269996    P =   7.761 years

                    Epoch = 2000 Oct. 23.0 TT
     T = 2000 Nov.  6.8998 TT         Peri. =  94.6503
     e = 0.357232                     Node  =  84.8386  2000.0
     q = 2.470580 AU                  Incl. =  16.9125
       a =  3.843656 AU    n = 0.1307938    P =   7.536 years

                    Epoch = 2008 May  14.0 TT
     T = 2008 May  26.7064 TT         Peri. =  94.9130
     e = 0.357635                     Node  =  84.7534  2000.0
     q = 2.468702 AU                  Incl. =  16.9133
       a =  3.843143 AU    n = 0.1308200    P =   7.534 years

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 October 24                (8765)            Daniel W. E. Green

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