[IAUC] IAUC 8834: 2007be-2007bz [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 16:59:09 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8834
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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SUPERNOVAE 2007be-2007bz
     Numerous supernovae have been discovered on unfiltered CCD
frames:  2007be by S. Moretti and S. Tomaselli (Bastia, Ravenna,
Italy, 0.42-m reflector); 2007bf and 2007bj by T. Puckett (cf. IAUC
8822; 2007bf with E. Guido, and 2007bj with J. Newton and R.
Gorelli); 2007bg by R. Quimby and E. Rykoff (cf. IAUC 8779); 2007bh
by T.-w. Chen et al. (cf. IAUC 8667); 2007bi and 2007bo-2007bz by
P. E. Nugent and the "Nearby Supernova Factory" collaboration;
2007bk by H. Mikuz (cf. IAUC 8687); and the rest by R. Martin (cf.
IAUC 8496).  Discovery observations for those objects reported to
be brighter than mag 18.7:

SN      2007 UT       R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2007be  Apr.  7.96   12 38 06.65  - 0 01 51.4  16.8  18".4 E, 14".7 S
2007bf  Apr.  8.30   14 15 12.05  +15 44 11.8  17.8  4".3 E, 20".1 S
2007bg  Apr. 16.15   11 49 26.18  +51 49 21.8  17.7     --
2007bh  Apr. 13.82   15 09 26.37  -10 41 33.2  18.6  24".6 E, 10".9 N
2007bi  Apr.  6.5    13 19 20.19  + 8 55 44.3  18.3     --
2007bj  Apr. 18.32   16 22 10.59  - 1 30 51.4  15.1  3".9 E, 2".3 N
2007bk  Apr. 20.00   15 28 45.58  +58 52 12.8  16.5  5".0 E, 12".5 N
2007bl  Apr. 18.86   22 48 05.44  -47 13 54.3  16.5  18".9 W, 21".6 N
2007bm  Apr. 20.68   11 25 02.30  - 9 47 53.8  16.0  2".4 W, 10".8 S
2007bn  Apr. 18.86   22 55 52.81  -63 41 31.6  17.0  27" W, 9" N
2007bp  Mar. 26.4     9 24 00.55  + 5 12 25.0  15.6     --
2007bt  Apr. 17.5    14 27 47.73  +12 48 47.1  15.6     --
2007bw  Apr. 18.5    17 11 01.99  +24 30 36.4  17.3     --
2007bx  Apr. 19.3    11 02 41.52  - 1 38 31.5  18.6     --
2007bz  Apr. 22.4    12 56 53.77  +22 22 22.1  16.7     --

Additional information is available on Electronic Telegrams: 2007be
in UGC 7800, CBETs 917, 920 (type-II); 2007bf in UGC 9121, CBETs
919, 921 (type-II, discovered a few days past explosion); 2007bg,
CBET 927 (type-Ic); 2007bh in PGC 54103, CBET 928; 2007bi, CBET 929
(peculiar type-Ic); 2007bj in NGC 6172, CBETs 930, 932 (type-Ia,
discovered perhaps a week past maximum); 2007bk, CBETs 933, 937
(type-Ia); 2007bl in ESO 239-G1, CBET 935; 2007bm in NGC 3672,
CBETs 936, 939 (type-Ia, discovered before maximum); 2007bn in
NGC 7408, CBET 940; 2007bo-2007by, CBET 941 (all type-II except
type-Ib 2007br); 2007bz in IC 3918, CBETs 941, 943 (type-Ia).
Mikuz adds the following R magnitudes for 2007bk:  Apr. 21.949 UT,
16.61 +/- 0.05; 22.937, 16.76 +/- 0.03.

                      (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 April 27                  (8834)            Daniel W. E. Green

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