[IAUC] CBET 990: 20070701 : SUPERNOVAE 2007cw-2007eq

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Dom Jul 1 03:10:20 ART 2007

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 990
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
M.S. 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS en CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
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SUPERNOVAE 2007cw-2007eq
     Three reports sent anonymously to the Central Bureau by the "Nearby
Supernova Factory" collaboration (P. Antilogus, J. Li, R. Pain, R. Pereira,
and C. Wu, Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire et de Haute Energies de Paris;
C. Buton, Y. Copin, E. Gangler, and G. Smadja, Institut de Physique
Nucleaire de Lyon; G. Aldering, C. Aragon, S. Bailey, S. Bongard, M.
Childress, S. Loken, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter, K. Runge, R. C. Thomas, and
B. A. Weaver, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley; E. Pecontal
and G. Rigaudier, Centre de Recherche Astronomique de Lyon; R. Kessler,
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, Chicago; and C. Baltay, A. Bauer,
N. Ellman, D. Herrera, D. Rabinowitz, R. Scalzo, Yale University),
including one responding to questions from the Central Bureau, contain the
information provided herein regarding the discovery of 51 new supernovae in
images obtained from Mar. 26 through June 26 UT with the QUEST-II camera on
the Palomar Oschin 1.2-m Schmidt telescope, operated by the Palomar-QUEST
Consortium.  R-band discovery magnitudes and positions were derived from
comparison with the USNO-A2.0 catalogue for discovery dates prior to June 1
and with the USNO-B1.0 catalogue after June 1.  A subsequent spectrum of
each target (range 320-1000 nm), obtained with the SuperNova Integral Field
Spectrograph on the University of Hawaii 2.2-m telescope, was used for the
classifications and redshifts (z) tabulated below.

SN       2007 UT       R.A. (2000.0) Decl.      Mag.    z      Type
2007cw   Mar. 26.4   14 38 07.48  - 8 35 55.7   19.1   0.10    Ia
2007cx   Mar. 31.2   10 19 09.49  +36 50 54.8   18.2   0.06    Ia
2007cy   Apr.  2.2    9 11 30.08  + 8 27 28.2   19.0   0.05    Ia
2007cz   Apr.  3.2    9 55 36.78  + 7 18 15.0   18.8   0.07    Ia
2007da   Apr.  4.3   11 05 05.66  + 8 38 58.5   19.7   0.10    Ia
2007db   Apr.  4.3   11 17 10.30  - 6 11 48.6   18.3   0.06    Ic
2007dc   Apr.  4.3   11 48 51.16  +10 03 46.8   19.0   0.08    Ia
2007dd   Apr.  4.4   13 52 49.98  +20 29 49.5   18.2   0.06    Ia
2007de   Apr.  4.4   14 07 39.89  +19 28 04.8   19.7   0.15    Ia
2007df   Apr.  8.3   12 29 43.73  -14 43 11.3   19.2   0.10    Ia
2007dg   Apr. 18.2   10 40 15.34  +18 16 41.0   19.6   0.10    Ia
2007dh   Apr. 18.2   11 52 36.70  +12 20 14.4   18.8   0.09    Ia
2007di   Apr. 18.4   16 14 25.92  + 5 09 21.1   19.7   0.13    Ia
2007dj   Apr. 19.2   11 10 19.97  - 1 20 20.0   19.4   0.11    Ia
2007dk   Apr. 19.2   12 31 25.43  - 4 29 13.5   17.2   0.03    Ia
2007dl   Apr. 22.4   13 56 54.23  +10 50 39.2   17.3   0.04    Ia
2007dm   Apr. 22.4   15 02 55.12  + 7 12 05.6   19.6   0.08    Ia
2007dn   Apr. 24.5   15 22 45.80  +17 13 20.2   18.9   0.07    Ia
2007do   Apr. 27.2   10 36 10.18  +34 32 33.4   18.2   0.05    Ia
2007dp   Apr. 27.3   15 18 36.79  + 9 51 17.2   18.5   0.03    II
2007dq   Apr. 27.3   15 41 02.87  + 0 14 58.4   19.4   0.05    II
2007dr   Apr. 27.4   16 41 56.00  +15 22 59.1   19.9   0.14    Ia
2007ds   Apr. 29.3   16 14 04.60  + 8 55 20.0   19.7   0.14    Ia
2007dt   Apr. 30.5   20 59 25.70  + 3 39 12.5   19.1   0.10    Ia
2007du   May   4.4   13 21 54.91  +23 02 26.8   18.8   0.10    Ia
2007dv   May   4.4   14 00 51.02  +22 57 28.4   19.0   0.10    Ia
2007dw   May   6.3   14 36 38.68  +14 40 14.2   19.0   0.05    II
2007dx   May   9.2   12 51 12.75  - 9 01 45.2   19.6   0.12    Ia
2007dy   May  13.5   21 22 03.43  + 5 09 06.1   19.6   0.04    Ib
2007dz   May  13.5   21 45 16.26  +11 02 48.6   17.9   0.03    Ia
2007ea   May  17.3   15 53 46.27  -27 02 15.5   18.2   0.04    Ic
2007eb   May  17.6   22 42 48.98  +24 02 47.2   18.2   0.04    Ib/c
2007ec   May  24.5   21 49 32.58  +19 01 44.4   20.3   0.16    Ia
2007ed   May  26.3   15 34 52.38  + 7 00 53.6   19.7   0.07    II
2007ee   May  28.3   14 47 47.34  +16 49 53.1   19.4   0.03    Ia
2007ef   May  28.3   17 12 42.39  + 6 12 07.2   19.0   0.08    II
2007eg   May  30.2   13 09 50.34  +20 44 42.0   19.3   0.10    Ia
2007eh   May  30.2   14 02 16.90  +13 06 02.9   18.8   0.01    II
2007ei   May  31.2   14 10 11.29  + 8 18 39.8   20.1   0.10    Ia
2007ej   May  31.4   22 14 52.16  + 6 43 53.7   19.0   0.07    Ia
2007ek   June  4.3   15 23 04.86  + 8 46 55.7   18.7   0.08    Ia
2007el   June  4.4   23 43 55.11  +27 06 24.3   17.9   0.03    II
2007em   June  5.3   15 59 41.93  + 2 17 04.2   18.2   0.03    II
2007en   June  5.3   16 18 43.84  + 3 02 50.1   19.6   0.12    Ia
2007eo   June  5.4   17 28 46.33  +22 10 40.3   19.0   0.10    Ia
2007ep   June  8.2   16 54 38.51  +16 02 59.7   19.4   0.12    Ia
2007eq   June 13.4   23 48 05.93  +28 14 20.2   18.9   0.03    Ib/c
2007er   June 17.2   16 10 41.68  +15 17 38.5   20.1   0.07    II
2007es   June 26.2   14 27 46.37  + 6 35 36.2   18.7   0.03    II
2007et   June 26.4    1 09 24.24  +19 55 51.4   19.2   0.04    II
2007eu   June 26.5    0 36 19.65  + 6 03 40.4   19.8   0.04    II

Dates of many of the spectroscopy observations for specific supernovae are
given below, some with notes about the phase at that time:  2007cw, Apr.
2.5 UT, around maximum; 2007cx, Apr. 3.4, 1 week past maximum; 2007cy,
Apr. 10.2, few days past maximum; 2007cz, Apr. 10.3, around maximum;
2007da, Apr. 10.4, around maximum; 2007db, Apr. 8.4; 2007dc, Apr. 8.5,
few days past maximum; 2007dd, Apr. 8.6, few days past maximum;
2007de, Apr. 10.6, few days before maximum; 2007df, Apr. 10.5, around
maximum; 2007dg, Apr. 20.3, around maximum; 2007dh, Apr. 20.4, around
maximum; 2007di, Apr. 20.5, 1 week before maximum; 2007dj, Apr. 23.4,
few days before maximum; 2007dk, Apr. 23.5, few days past maximum;
2007dl, Apr. 23.5, 1 week past maximum; 2007dm, Apr. 23.6, 1 week before
maximum; 2007dn, Apr. 25.5, 2-3 weeks past maximum; 2007do, Apr. 28.3,
1 week past maximum; 2007dp, Apr. 28.5; 2007dr, Apr. 28.6, around maximum;
2007ds, Apr. 30.6, around maximum; 2007dt, May 3.6, around maximum;
2007du, May 5.4, 1-2 weeks before maximum; 2007dv, May 5.5, 1-2 weeks
before maximum; 2007dx, May 10.4, 1 week before maximum; 2007dz, May 18.6,
3 weeks past maximum; 2007eb, May 20.6, high-velocity type-Ib/c supernova
similar to SN 1998bw just before peak brightness (Patat et al. 2001, Ap.J.
555, 900); 2007ec, May 25.5, around maximum; 2007ee, May 30.4, around
maximum; 2007eg, June 1.3, 1 week before maximum; 2007eh, June 1.3;
2007ei, June 2.3, few days past maximum; 2007ej, June 1.5, 3 weeks past
maximum; 2007ek, June 12.4, 1 week past maximum; 2007el, June 10.5;
2007em, June 12.4; 2007en, June 12.4, around maximum; 2007eo, June 10.5,
few days before maximum; 2007ep, June 10.5, around maximum; 2007eq, June
19.5; 2007er, June 19.3; 2007es, June 27.3; 2007et, June 27.6; 2007eu,
June 27.5.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 July 1                      (CBET 990)               Daniel W. E. Green

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