[IAUC] IAUC 9173: COMET P/2010 T2 (PANSTARRS); C/1999 D2, C/1999 D3, C/1999 O5, C/1999 Q4 [25139-2011/04-R1]
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Mie Sep 14 16:19:38 ART 2011
Circular No. 9173
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
New postal address: Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University;
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Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
Richard Wainscoat reports the discovery of a comet (discovery
observation tabulated below) with a coma diameter of approximately
4" on 45-s CCD images taken with the 1.8-m Ritchey-Chretien "Pan-
STARRS 1" telescope (+ w filter; bandpass 400-700 nm) at Haleakala.
Wainscoat noticed the object to be diffuse (the non-stellar nature
of the object being rather subtle) two days ago when examining
images of moving objects identified by the Pan-STARRS Moving Object
Processing System. Wainscoat and M. Micheli then located the
object in images acquired by the same telescope with a g-band
filter on Oct. 7 UT, and the object was noted to be also diffuse in
those images. Following posting on the Minor Planet Center's
'NEOCP' webpage, R. S. McMillan, University of Arizona, reports
that R-band CCD observations were obtained on Oct. 16.4 UT by J. V.
Scotti, M. Terenzoni, and A. J. Mendez with the 2.3-m f/3
Spacewatch reflector at Kitt Peak (and measured by J. A. Larsen),
showing a slightly diffuse coma of diameter 4" (in 2" seeing), the
magnitude given as 19.5-19.6.
2010 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. Mag.
Oct. 6.43000 1 07 26.26 - 1 02 02.6 21.4
The available astrometry, the following preliminary elliptical
orbital elements by G. V. Williams, and an ephemeris appear on MPEC
T = 2011 July 29.179 TT Peri. = 359.450
e = 0.33281 Node = 59.268 2000.0
q = 3.72938 AU Incl. = 8.077
a = 5.58968 AU n = 0.074580 P = 13.2 years
COMETS C/1999 D2, C/1999 D3, C/1999 O5, C/1999 Q4 (SOHO)
Further to IAUC 9171, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on SOHO website images; K. Battams notes that all were
stellar in appearance with no tails. C/1999 D2 and C/1999 Q4
peaked at mag approximately 7; C/1999 D3 and C/1999 O5 peaked at
mag approximately 7.5.
Comet 1999 UT R.A.(2000)Decl. Inst. F MPEC
C/1999 D2 Feb. 27.888 22 55.9 - 8 58 C3 MK 2010-O33
C/1999 D3 28.238 22 55.5 - 9 16 C3 MK 2010-O33
C/1999 O5 July 26.179 8 07.3 +18 01 C3 JR 2010-O33
C/1999 Q4 Aug. 25.138 9 54.7 + 9 59 C3 JR 2010-O33
(C) Copyright 2010 CBAT
2010 October 16 (9173) Daniel W. E. Green
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