[IAUC] CBET 2539: 20101106 : SUPERNOVA 2010jl IN UGC 5189A
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Mie Sep 14 16:19:29 ART 2011
Electronic Telegram No. 2539
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
CBAT Director: Daniel W. E. Green; Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University;
20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA 02138; U.S.A.
e-mail: cbatiau en eps.harvard.edu (alternate cbat en iau.org)
URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html
Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
M. Yamanaka and T. Okushima, Hiroshima University; A. Arai, Kyoto Sangyo
University; and M. Sasada and H. Sato, Hiroshima University, report that they
obtained low-resolution optical spectra of 2010jl (cf. CBETs 2532, 2536) on
Nov. 5.8 UT at the Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory, Hiroshima University (R =
400), and at the Koyama Astronomical Observatory, Kyoto Sangyo University
(R = 500). The spectra show emission lines of H-beta and H-alpha at 470-490
and 640-670 nm. These features have multiple emission lines with more-narrow
and broader components. The FWHM velocities of the more-narrow components
were measured to be roughly below 500, while the FWHM of the broader
components are 18000 km/s. The spectra also exhibit weak emission lines of
He I at 590 and 710 nm. These profiles are similar to those of the luminous
type-IIn supernova 2006tf at a month after maximum light (Smith et al. 2008,
Ap.J. 686, 467).
NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.
(C) Copyright 2010 CBAT
2010 November 6 (CBET 2539) Daniel W. E. Green
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