[IAUC] IAUC 9185: Occn BY (136199); COMET 103P/HARTLEY; C/2001 A5, C/2001 O3, C/2001 R10 [25139-2011/04-R1]

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                                                  Circular No. 9185
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     Further to IAUC 9184, Alain Maury also reports on positive
observations of the occultation of a star (V about 17) by minor
planet (136199) Eris on Nov. 6 by Sebastian Saravia, Caisey
Harlingten, and himself from San Pedro de Atacama Celestial
Explorations Observatory.  The occultation was recorded with a
50-cm Planewave telescope, using 3-s individual frames; the
occultation lasted a little more than 70 seconds.  More information
on the occultation has been posted at the following website URL:
http://www.spaceobs.com/perso/recherche/Eris/.  The observed
phenomena are in good agreement with the predictions made by Bruno
Sicardy using observations by M. Assafin, J. L. Ortiz, and W. M.
Owen (see Ortiz et al., IAUC 9184).  A preliminary analysis by
Sicardy, combining the occultation duration at La Silla (Jehin et
al., IAUC 9184) and the present observation indicates that Eris has
a diameter < 2320 km -- therefore smaller than Pluto, whose
diameter is > 2340 km.

     D. C. Lis, California Institute of Technology; D. Bockelee-
Morvan, N. Biver, J. Crovisier, and R. Moreno, LESIA, Observatoire
de Paris; E. Bergin, University of Michigan; P. Hartogh and M. de
Val Borro, Max-Planck-Institute fuer Sonnensystemforschung; M.
Kueppers, European Space Agency; S. Szutowicz, Space Research
Center, Poland; and the team of the Herschel Guaranteed Time Key
Program called "Water and related chemistry of the Solar System",
report that the 1_10-1_01 water line at 557 GHz was mapped in comet
103P with the HIFI instrument aboard the Herschel spacecraft on Oct.
30.6 UT.  The peak line area of 20 K km s**-1 (main beam brightness
temperature) corresponds to a water production rate of (1 +/- 0.2)
x 10**28 mol s**-1 (modeling uncertainty).

COMETS C/2001 A5, C/2001 O3, C/2001 R10 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9173, additional Kreutz sungrazers have been
found on SOHO website images; K. Battams notes that all were
stellar in appearance, peaking at mag approximately 7.

 Comet        1999 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2001 A5    Jan.  1.363   19 01.0  -24 47   C3    JR   2010-T38
 C/2001 O3    July 25.346    8 04.8  +18 11   C3    JR   2010-T38
 C/2001 R10   Sept. 2.532   10 29.6  + 7 24   C3    JR   2010-T38

                      (C) Copyright 2010 CBAT
2010 November 8                (9185)            Daniel W. E. Green

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