[IAUC] IAUC 9194: P/2011 A4 = P/2006 U1; TRANSIENT OBJECTS CONFIRMATION PAGE [25139-2011/04-R1]
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Mie Sep 14 16:19:09 ART 2011
Circular No. 9194
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
New postal address: Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University;
20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA 02138; U.S.A.
URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html
Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
COMET P/2011 A4 = P/2006 U1 (LINEAR)
L. Elenin, Lyubertsy, Russia, reports his recovery of P/2006
U1 (cf. IAUC 8763) on images obtained remotely at the ISON-NM
Observatory near Mayhill, NM, USA; his astrometry is provided
below, and the object is described as slightly diffuse with no
visible tail.
2011 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. Mag. Observer
Jan. 14.51322 14 14 00.58 -21 18 30.4 19.5 Elenin
14.52034 14 14 01.76 -21 18 36.5 19.3 "
14.52751 14 14 02.94 -21 18 43.5 19.7 "
15.46672 14 16 45.65 -21 32 55.8 19.3 "
15.49142 14 16 49.95 -21 33 18.1 19.4 "
15.51633 14 16 54.19 -21 33 41.2 19.1 "
The indicated correction to the prediction by S. Nakano (2010/2011
Comet Handbook) is Delta(T) = +0.24 day. The following improved
elliptical elements by the undersigned are from 360 observations,
2006 Oct. 19-2011 Jan. 15 (mean residual 0".46).
Epoch = 2011 Apr. 29.0 TT
T = 2011 Apr. 16.08061 TT Peri. = 64.22882
e = 0.8160435 Node = 240.47143 2000.0
q = 0.5108788 AU Incl. = 8.42516
a = 2.7771717 AU n = 0.21296095 P = 4.63 years
As announced on CBET 2629, the Central Bureau has established
a "Transient Objects Confirmation Page" (TOCP), activated on 2011
January 1, to replace the former "Unconfirmed-Objects" webpage that
the CBAT has run quite successfully since 2003 for extra-solar-
system objects, and which was updated manually by CBAT staff
members. In contrast, this new webpage is designed to be updated
automatically both by astronomers worldwide who are registered (via
the CBAT) to do so and (when necessary) manually by CBAT staff.
Details are given at the new TOCP website:
http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/unconf/tocp.html. The TOCP will
automatically assign provisional designations based on position, of
the form TCP Jhhmmssss+ddmmsss. Once spectroscopic confirmation is
reported, a final IAU designation will be announced (as in the past)
by the Central Bureau both via the TOCP and via CBET or IAUC
publication. Separate TOCP tables show discovery data and follow-
up data.
(C) Copyright 2011 CBAT
2011 January 17 (9194) Daniel W. E. Green
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