[IAUC] CBET 2700: 20110415 : T PYXIDIS

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Mie Sep 14 16:18:57 ART 2011

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 2700
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
CBAT Director:  Daniel W. E. Green; Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University;
 20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA  02138; U.S.A.
e-mail:  cbatiau en eps.harvard.edu (alternate cbat en iau.org)
URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html
Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network

     E. Waagan, AAVSO, communicates that M. Linnolt (Ocean View, HI, U.S.A.)
observed an outburst of the recurrent nova T Pyx at visual magnitude 13.0 on
Apr. 14.2931 UT.  The outburst has been visually confirmed by several
observers, as listed below.  According to observations in the AAVSO
International Database, the last outburst of T Pyx occurred on 1966 Dec. 10
(cf. IAUCs 1983, 1986, 1993), when it reached visual magnitude 6.5 from
fainter than 15th magnitude; it was brighter than magnitude 8 for two months,
fading to mag 14.3 by 1967 Oct. 8 and to blue mag 15.2 by 1969 Feb. 24.
Previous outbursts occurred in 1890, 1902, 1920, and 1944.  Visual magnitude
estimates of T Pyx, submitted in part by the AAVSO:  Mar. 28.590 UT, 15.3
(Rod Stubbings, Vic., Australia); 31.656, 15.4 (Stubbings); Apr. 1.831, [12.5
(S. Bolzoni, Busto Arsizio, Italy); 5.510, 14.5 (Stubbings); 5.967, [13.3 (A.
Amorim, Florianopolis, Brazil); 6.467, 14.7 (Stubbings); 7.501, 14.8
(Stubbings); 8.505, [14.0 (A. Plummer, Linden, NSW, Australia); 10.542, 15.0
(Stubbings); 12.442, [14.0 (P. F. Williams, Heathcote, NSW, Australia);
12.465, [12.5 (H. Matsuyama, Kanimbla, Qld., Australia); 13.359, 14.5
(Linnolt); 13.494, [11.5 (Matsuyama); 14.021, [10.5 (Amorim); 14.293, 13.0
(Linnolt); 14.385, 12.2 (Plummer); 14.428, [11.5 (Matsuyama); 14.431, 12.0
(Plummer); 14.441, 11.3 (S. Kerr, Glenlee, Qld., Australia); 14.467, 11.5
(Plummer); 14.494, 11.4 (Stubbings); 14.501, 11.1 (A. Pearce, Nedlands, W.
Australia); 14.508, 11.6 (Plummer); 14.540, 11.1 (Pearce); 14.552, 11.4
(Plummer); 14.583, 11.0 (Pearce); 14.592, 11.1 (Plummer); 14.627, 10.9
(Pearce); 14.665, 10.8 (Pearce).
     Paul Camilleri (Hurstville, Sydney, Australia) provides the following
unfiltered CCD magnitudes taken with a 0.35-m reflector at the Grove Creek
Observatory, Trunkey, NSW, Australia, and with a 0.15-m refractor at the Tzec
Maun Observatory, Moorook, South Australia:  Apr. 3.480, 15.2; 10.430, 14.6;
14.4029, 11.9.  Camilleri provides the following position for T Pyx measured
from three images:  R.A. = 9h04m41s.52 +/- 0s.01, Decl. = -32d22'47".5 +/-
0".2 (equinox 2000.0).
     Waagen reports the following selected V magnitudes from P. Nelson
(Ellinbank, Vic., Australia):  Apr. 14.4973, 11.541 +/- 0.006; 14.5182, 11.482
+/- 0.006; 14.5338, 11.454 +/- 0.005; 14.5363, 11.439 +/- 0.005; 14.5402,
11.446 +/- 0.005; 14.5409, 11.422 +/- 0.005; 14.5492, 11.402 +/- 0.005;
14.5499, 11.384 +/- 0.005; 14.5524, 11.343 +/- 0.005; 14.5530, 11.358 +/-
0.005; 14.5575, 11.314 +/- 0.005; 14.5601, 11.298 +/- 0.005; 14.5607, 11.278
+/- 0.005; 14.5639, 11.258 +/- 0.005; 14.5671, 11.237 +/- 0.005; 14.5690,
11.213 +/- 0.005; 14.5737, 11.205 +/- 0.005; 14.5757, 11.187 +/- 0.006;
14.5764, 11.145 +/- 0.005; 14.5796, 11.137 +/- 0.007; 14.5802, 11.118 +/-
0.005; 14.5834, 11.099 +/- 0.005; 14.5860, 11.052 +/- 0.006; 14.5905, 11.030
+/- 0.005; 14.5918, 11.016 +/- 0.005; 14.5925, 10.992 +/- 0.005; 14.5990,
10.944 +/- 0.005.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2011 CBAT
2011 April 15                    (CBET 2700)              Daniel W. E. Green

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