[IAUC] IAUC 9207: P/2011 J1; 250P; T Pyx [25139-2011/04-R1]
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Mie Sep 14 16:18:55 ART 2011
Circular No. 9207
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
J. V. Scotti, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of
Arizona, reports his recovery of comet P/2004 HC_18 (cf. IAUC 8333)
as a diffuse object on CCD images taken with the Spacewatch 1.8-m
f/2.7 reflector; he measured a coma diameter of 8" on May 1.5 UT.
2011 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. Mag.
May 1.46653 22 05 53.26 +10 58 01.4 21.5
1.47591 22 05 54.10 +10 58 10.4 21.1
1.48312 22 05 54.82 +10 58 16.6 21.8
2.46608 22 07 27.24 +11 13 09.0
2.47355 22 07 27.92 +11 13 16.3 21.4
2.48116 22 07 28.58 +11 13 22.9
5.46622 22 12 03.62 +11 58 16.1
5.47351 22 12 04.24 +11 58 22.6
5.48135 22 12 04.96 +11 58 29.0
The indicated correction to the prediction in the ICQ 2010/2011
Comet Handbook is Delta(T) = -0.10 day. The following linked
orbital elements by G. V. Williams are from 312 observations,
2004-2011 (cf. MPEC 2011-J26).
Epoch = 2010 Dec. 30.0 TT
T = 2010 Dec. 29.4978 TT Peri. = 30.9835
e = 0.509077 Node = 219.4856 2000.0
q = 1.714018 AU Incl. = 23.4930
a = 3.491416 AU n = 0.1510782 P = 6.52 years
Comet P/2011 A1 (cf. IAUC 9191) has been assigned the
permanent numeral designation 250P based on 1995 Dec. 22 and 2004
Feb. 29 Spacewatch observations identified by S. Nakano and on 2002
Oct. 9 and 29 NEAT observations identified by M. Meyer (cf. MPEC
Visual magnitude estimates by A. Pearce, Nedlands, W.
Australia (cf. IAUC 9206): Apr. 18.516 UT, 7.6; 18.588, 7.6;
19.600, 7.6; 21.588, 7.4; 25.532, 7.6; 29.565, 7.2; May 1.573, 7.0;
2.543, 7.0; 4.566, 6.8.
(C) Copyright 2011 CBAT
2011 May 5 (9207) Daniel W. E. Green
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