[IAUC] CBET 2724: 20110528 : SUPERNOVAE 2011cl-2011da

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Mie Sep 14 16:18:53 ART 2011

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 2724
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
CBAT Director:  Daniel W. E. Green; Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University;
 20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA  02138; U.S.A.
e-mail:  cbatiau en eps.harvard.edu (alternate cbat en iau.org)
URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html
Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network

SUPERNOVAE 2011cl-2011da
     A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, and R. Williams,
California Institute of Technology; J. L. Prieto, Carnegie Observatories;
M. Catelan, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile; E. C. Beshore and S. M.
Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona; and E.
Christensen, Gemini Observatory, report the Catalina Real-time Transient
Survey's discovery of sixteen supernovae in unfiltered Catalina Sky Survey,
Mount Lemmon Survey, and Siding Spring Survey images; S. Howerton (Arkansas
City, KS, U.S.A.) was also involved in the discovery of 2011co and 2011cq as
part of their bright-host-galaxy supernova search.

  SN       2011 UT        R.A. (2000.0) Decl.       Mag.    Offset
  2011cl   Feb.  4.21    8 26 49.16  +20 22 31.8    17.2   3" E, 37" N
  2011cm   Apr. 14.47   17 14 19.18  +43 59 55.2    18.1   1" E, 1" N
  2011cn   Apr. 24.30   13 55 31.54  - 2 30 00.5    19.0   1" E, 1" N
  2011co   Apr. 25.42    9 16 21.65  -23 37 17.4    18.5   26" E, 41" N
  2011cp   Apr. 26.17    7 52 32.61  +21 53 29.7    19.5     --
  2011cq   Apr. 26.18   12 16 07.15  - 3 34 30.7    18.9   21" W, 18" S
  2011cr   Apr. 26.47   22 04 51.77  +12 46 13.0    17.9   16" E, 16" S
  2011cs   Apr. 27.18   12 08 01.08  +49 13 33.0    18.6     --
  2011ct   Apr. 27.33   15 06 34.40  -10 19 36.5    19.1   2" E
  2011cu   Apr. 30.20   11 35 10.63  + 1 00 20.9    21.0     --
  2011cv   Apr. 30.30   14 33 37.37  -12 02 20.9    19.2   4" E, 14" S
  2011cw   May   1.38   14 47 39.55  +51 41 04.7    18.3     1" S
  2011cx   May   2.28   12 14 22.16  +33 55 09.5    18.6   1" W
  2011cy   May   7.35   14 58 37.10  + 2 20 59.1    20.0     --
  2011cz   May   4.23   12 11 24.09  +37 25 52.5    19.2   2" E, 2" S
  2011da   May   4.24   12 22 27.91  +37 49 39.5    19.2   2" E, 1" S

Spectroscopic follow-up data were taken with the Palomar 5-m reflector (+ DBSP)
on May 7 and 8 UT.  Spectrograms (range 380-920 nm) were cross-correlated with
a library of spectra using the SNIDs program (Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J.
666, 1024).  Tabulated below are the best matches found to spectra of earlier
supernovae and the measured redshifts of the new objects.

  SN        Type     SN Match     z
  2011cl    IIP       1992H      0.03
  2011cm    Ia        2002bo     0.03
  2011cn    Ia        1998bu     0.09
  2011co    IIP       2006bp     0.01
  2011cp    IIn         --       0.38
  2011cq    II-pec    1987A      0.02
  2011cr    Ia        2002bo     0.05
  2011cs    Ia        1994ae     0.11
  2011ct    Ic        1995F      0.10
  2011cu    Ia        1994ae     0.11
  2011cv    Ia-pec    2000cx     0.08
  2011cw    IIn       1996L      0.04
  2011cx    Ia        1989B      0.11
  2011cy    Ia        1999aa     0.16
  2011cz    IIP       2004et     0.06
  2011da    IIP       2004et     0.06

     Several of these objects were posted on the Central Bureau's TOCP
webpage, yielding the following respective preliminary designations:
2011cl, PSN J08264916+2022318; 2011co, TCP J09162165-2337174;
2011cp, PSN J07523261+2153297; 2011cq, PSN J12160715-0334307;
2011cr, PSN J22045177+1246130; 2011cu, PSN J11351063+0100209;
2011cv, PSN J14333737-1202209; 2011cz, PSN J12112409+3725525;
2011da, PSN J12222791+3749395.  Additional CSS magnitudes for 2011cq:
Apr. 11.24 UT, [20.1; 23.19, 19.0.

     D. D. Balam, D. Bohlender, D. Monin, and E. Chisholm, Dominion
Astrophysical Observatory, National Research Council of Canada, report that
images (limiting mag about 21.5) obtained with the 1.82-m Plaskett Telescope
on Feb. 8.21 UT show PSN J08264916+2022318 = SN 2011cl at magnitude V = 17.56
(+/- 0.02), with colors B-V = +0.16 (0.04) and V-R = +0.18; SDSS DR6
magnitudes were converted to Kron-Cousins magnitudes using the conversion
formulae of Chonis and Gaskell (2007, A.J. 135, 264) from differential
photometry using the SDSS star J082645.70+202333.1.  On Feb. 9.309,
differential magnitudes/colors measured from the star SDSS
J082645.37+202348.8 were V = 17.51 (0.02), B-V = +0.28, and V-R = +0.11;
the position of SN 2011cl (which appears associated with IC 2373) is
measured to be R.A. = 8h26m49s.21, Decl. = +20d22'31".6 (equinox 2000.0).

     Joseph Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia, reports position end figures
21s.57, 18".0 for SN 2011co = TCP J09162165-2337174 (which appears near
NGC 2815) from an image taken on Apr. 26.513 UT remotely using a 40-cm RCOS
telescope (+ STL6K camera) at the Macedon Ranges Observatory, Melbourne,
Australia.  He also provides the following unfiltered CCD magnitudes for
2011co:  Apr. 26.513, 18.2; 27.154, 18.0; 28.119, 18.0.  Brimacombe has
posted images of 2011co at the following website URLs:
     Brimacombe reports mag 19.7 and position end figures 32s.61, 29".1 for
PSN J07523261+2153297 = SN 2011cp from seven stacked 600-s images taken on
May 18.155 UT remotely using a 51-cm RCOS telescope (+ STL11K camera) at the
New Mexico Skies Observatory near Mayhill, NM, U.S.A.
     Brimacombe reports mag 18.6 and position end figures 07s.22, 31".6 for
PSN J12160715-0334307 = SN 2011cq (which is near PGC 39280) from six stacked
1200-s images taken on Apr. 27.476 UT remotely using a 40-cm RCOS telescope
(+ U9000 camera) at the Macedon Ranges Observatory; his image is posted at
website URL http://www.flickr.com/photos/43846774@N02/5663148210/.
     Additional unfiltered CCD magnitudes for PSN J22045177+1246130 = SN
2011cr:  May 7.456 UT, 18.2 (Brimacombe; remotely using a 51-cm RCOS
telescope + STL11K camera at New Mexico Skies Observatory; position end
figures 51s.76, 12".1); May 8.429, 19.2 (R. A. Koff, Bennett, CO, U.S.A.;
position end figures 51s.69, 11".9; thirty 60-s images, limiting mag 20.0).
     Brimacombe measures unfiltered CCD mag 21.2 and position end figures
10s.66, 20".4 for PSN J11351063+0100209 = SN 2011cu from four stacked 1200-s
images taken on May 8.218 UT remotely using a 51-cm RCOS telescope (+ STL11K
camera) at New Mexico Skies Observatory; his image is posted at website URL
     Brimacombe measures red mag 20.1 and position end figures 37s.4, 20".8
for PSN J14333737-1202209 = SN 2011cv from six stacked 1200-s images taken
on May 10.706 UT with a 30-cm telescope (+ STL6K camera) at his Coral Towers
Observatory in Cairns, noting that 2011cv is near PGC 119986; his image is
posted at website URL http://www.flickr.com/photos/43846774@N02/5708939361/.
     Additional CCD magnitudes for PSN J12112409+3725525 = SN 2011cz:  May
5.266 UT, 19.5 (Koff; thirty-nine stacked 60-s unfiltered images; limiting
mag 20.6; position end figures 24s.04, 53".3); May 11.246, 19.0 (Brimacombe;
six stacked 1200-s images taken remotely using a 51-cm RCOS telescope + red
filter + STL11K camera at New Mexico Skies Observatory).
     Additional unfiltered CCD magnitudes for PSN J12222791+3749395 = SN
2011da:  May 5.229 UT, 19.8 (Koff; forty stacked 60-s images; limiting mag
21.2; position end figures 27s.93, 40".0); May 11.358, 19.3 (Brimacombe;
twelve stacked 600-s images taken remotely using a 51-cm RCOS telscope +
STL11K camera at New Mexico Skies Observatory; position end figures 27s.96,

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2011 CBAT
2011 May 28                      (CBET 2724)              Daniel W. E. Green

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