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Mie Sep 14 16:18:47 ART 2011
Electronic Telegram No. 2758
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
CBAT Director: Daniel W. E. Green; Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University;
20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA 02138; U.S.A.
e-mail: cbatiau en eps.harvard.edu (alternate cbat en iau.org)
URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html
Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
P. Jenniskens, Chair of IAU Commission 22's Task Group on Meteor Shower
Nomenclature, reports that, since the previous announcement (cf. CBET 1938),
the following 18 showers were added to the IAU Working List on Meteor Showers.
In the table below, the solar longitude, R.A., and Decl. are given in degrees
for equinox 2000.0; V_g is the geocentric velocity of the meteoroids at the
earth, but outside the earth's gravitational field. Other details for each
shower are given at the IAU Meteor Data Center's website (see the following
URL: http://www.ta3.sk/IAUC22DB/MDC2007/). The list is maintained by T.
Jopek, Poznan University.
No. Meteor shower Long. R.A. Decl. V_g Reference
Code Name (deg) (2000.0) (km/s)
409 NCY nu Cygnids 35.0 312.6 +42.9 42.0 Molau and Rendtel
410 DPI delta Piscids 92.0 10.9 + 5.5 70.0 Molau and Rendtel
411 CAN c Andromedids 110.0 32.4 +48.4 59.0 Molau and Rendtel
412 FOP f Ophiuchids 98.0 266.4 + 8.5 21.0 Molau and Rendtel
413 MUL mu Lyrids 116.0 273.1 +39.4 23.0 Molau and Rendtel
414 ATR alpha Triangulids 120.0 28.9 +28.1 71.0 Molau and Rendtel
415 AUP August Piscids 132.0 7.5 +18.3 66.0 Molau and Rendtel
416 SIC September iota 169.0 36.7 +65.0 50.0 Molau and Rendtel
417 ETT eta Taurids 211.0 55.5 +23.7 47.0 Molau and Rendtel
418 BHE beta Herculids 324.0 246.0 +23.8 56.6 Molau and Rendtel
419 DAC Dayt. April Cetids 29.7 13.6 - 2.7 28.9 Kashcheev et al.
420 CCA chi Capricornids 58.1 314.3 -23.2 65.4 Jopek et al.
421 MMI May Microscopiids 57.9 309.4 -42.7 60.2 Jopek et al.
422 NLL Northern Librids- 67.8 227.9 -17.4 13.3 Jopek et al.
423 SLL Southern Librids- 64.9 235.5 -30.8 20.8 Jopek et al.
424 SOL September-October 186.0 110.0 +48.8 68.0 Rendtel and Molau
425 PSA psi Aurigids 199.0 107.0 +42.0 69.0 Rendtel and Molau
426 DCR Daytime Craterids 158.0 168.8 -15.3 18.9 Wiegert et al.
List of References:
Jopek et al. (2010), MNRAS 404, 867.
Kashcheev et al. (1967), *Meteoric Phenomena in the Earth Atmosphere*,
No. 2 (Moscow: Nauka), p. 168.
Molau and Rendtel (2009), JIMO 37, 4.
Rendtel and Molau (2010), JIMO 38, 5.
Wiegert et al. (2010), MNRAS 414, 668.
NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.
(C) Copyright 2011 CBAT
2011 July 4 (CBET 2758) Daniel W. E. Green
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