[IAUC] CBET 2787: 20110810 : SUPERNOVAE 2011en-2011fb

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Mie Sep 14 16:18:42 ART 2011

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 2787
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
CBAT Director:  Daniel W. E. Green; Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University;
 20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA  02138; U.S.A.
e-mail:  cbatiau en eps.harvard.edu (alternate cbat en iau.org)
URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html
Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network

SUPERNOVAE 2011en-2011fb
     M. J. Graham, A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. Mahabal, and R. Williams,
California Institute of Technology; J. L. Prieto, Carnegie Observatories;
M. Catelan, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile; E. C. Beshore and
S. M. Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona; and E.
Christensen, Gemini Observatory, report the discovery of numerous
spectroscopically confirmed supernovae in unfiltered images from the Catalina
Sky Survey, the Mount Lemmon Survey, and the Siding Spring Survey telescopes.

 SN       2011 UT         R.A. (2000.0) Decl.       Mag.    Type     z
 2011en   Mar. 25.24    11 07 50.56  +18 59 39.1    18.3    IIP     0.02
 2011eo   Apr. 13.49    16 42 25.12  +16 49 28.1    17.4    IIP     0.03
 2011ep   Apr. 14.43    17 03 41.78  +32 45 52.6    19.0    Ic      0.28
 2011eq   Apr. 29.48    21 17 59.27  - 2 37 22.8    19.0    Ia      0.19
 2011er   May  25.40    15 49 50.65  +14 49 30.1    18.9    Ia      0.12
 2011es   May  27.33    13 43 54.95  +25 32 52.9    19.9    IIP     0.05
 2011et   June  2.32    15 30 01.40  +24 52 29.1    18.8    Ia      0.09
 2011eu   June  6.27    14 09 15.29  - 1 10 54.7    18.5    IIn     0.11
 2011ev   June 10.81    23 45 31.24  - 7 56 46.0    17.6    IIP     0.03
 2011ew   June 11.38    15 33 17.58  +27 34 28.0    19.0    IIP     0.07
 2011ex   June 13.35    15 48 51.75  +62 57 48.9    17.6    Ia      0.04
 2011ey   June 23.21    13 19 19.12  - 4 51 05.9    18.4    IIn     0.07
 2011ez   June 24.19    12 42 42.43  + 0 33 54.0    18.9    Ia      0.08
 2011fa   June 25.44     0 35 43.57  + 2 58 55.1    20.1    IIP     0.06
 2011fb   June 28.32    16 19 30.48  - 5 59 07.7    18.9    IIP     0.04

Note that two of the above objects were posted on the Central Bureau's TOCP
webpage:  2011ev = PSN J23453124-0756460 and 2011en = PSN J11075056+1859391.
Confirming spectroscopic observations (range 400-950 nm) were taken with the
Palomar 5-m reflector (+ DBSP) on June 26, 27, and 30 UT.  The supernovae were
classified based on cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra
using the "SuperNova IDentification" code (Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666,

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2011 CBAT
2011 August 10                   (CBET 2787)              Daniel W. E. Green

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