[IAUC] [AstroLib] Job Opening: Assistant Head and E-Resources Librarian @ the CfA Library

Erdmann, Christopher cerdmann en cfa.harvard.edu
Vie Jun 12 09:25:52 ART 2015

The Assistant Head and E-Resources Librarian will report to the Head
Librarian of the John G. Wolbach Library, located at the
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.   Responsibilities will

Resource Management, Maintenance and Collection.  Will provide technical
and administrative access and maintenance of publisher, vendor and library
systems (e.g. journals, databases, HOLLIS).  Will troubleshoot technical
issues (e.g. browser, platform, operating system issues).  Will oversee
subscription agreements and registrations (e.g. ensures continued access,
use permissions).  Will monitor and evaluate e-resources (e.g. new
journals, collaborative research/writing tools).  Will communicate and
provide feedback with publishers and vendors (e.g. trials, negotiations).

Research Services.  Will respond to reference inquiries (e.g. find journal
articles, obtain research data sets, perform advanced queries and
reports).  Will curate datasets, produces reports and provides specialized
services (e.g. aggregate NASA data for organization benchmark report;
investigate and implement functionality to assist deposit/publication of
research software and data, design visual reports to aid in decision
making).  Will train and provide technical support to research tools (e.g.
research management tools, version control platforms, content management
solutions, library systems, repositories).  Will plan, develop and oversee
web site and other digital library services (e.g. library websites,
repositories).  Will ensure that collaborative relationships and special
projects move forward (e.g. Seamless Astronomy, NASA ADS data and software
linking, CfA-HCO-SAO Bibliography, CERN/Dataverse research data repository
services).   Will assist with copyright and IP related questions (e.g.
assign appropriate software licenses, help patrons understand copyright
permissions).  Will monitor and suggest changes in policies and procedures
to library services (e.g. modification of loan durations/conditions,
improvements to circulation desk workflows).  Will develop web programming
scripts (e.g. Python) to aid in automated curation or presentation of
data).  Will track and provide advice on metadata schemas and standards
(e.g. DataCite, Schema.org).

Internal and External Outreach and Partnership.  Will represent Wolbach
Library at Harvard libraries, publisher and special committee.  When
required, will stand in for Head Librarian at meetings (e.g. FAS Library
Heads Meeting, RTL Committee, publisher advisory boards).  Will attend and
present library work at conferences (e.g. SLA presentation, poster on
research data services at DCC).  Will participate in meetings to further
library services (e.g. local, special interest user groups).

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