[IAUC] [AstroLib] software for historical planet/star positions?

Erdmann, Christopher cerdmann en cfa.harvard.edu
Lun Sep 15 17:48:06 ART 2014


We've used World Wide Telescope in the past but you may also be able to do
this with Stellarium. The example that comes to mind is Alyssa Goodman's
Galileo's New Order in WWT


On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 1:01 PM, Samantha Teplitzky <
steplitz en library.berkeley.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> A graduate student is looking for software that he can use to search for
> the historical location of planets/stars and occurrence of eclipses, etc.
>  His research is in East Asian studies and he is looking into various old
> texts, stories and charts that reference astronomical events, roughly
> around 100 BC.  He would like to match them with actual occurrences.
> Does anyone know if such historical data has been digitized, or if there
> is software that can generate past positions of planets and stars?
> Thanks for your help!
> Best,
> Sam
> --
> Samantha Teplitzky
> Earth and Physical Sciences Librarian
> University of California, Berkeley
> 510.664.7158
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Christopher Erdmann, Head Librarian
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, John G. Wolbach Library
cerdmann en cfa.harvard.edu | 617-495-7289 | @libcce
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