[IAUC] [AstroLib] Friends of LISA VII Travel Assistance Application Process Begins

Erdmann, Christopher cerdmann en cfa.harvard.edu
Lun Nov 11 11:33:59 ART 2013

Dear all,

First, the Friends of LISA (FOL) VII Committee would like to remind
everyone in our community about the upcoming deadline for LISA VII abstract


We wish to thank all the publishers, institutions and individuals who have
offered sponsorship so far: AIP, IOP, AAS, EDP Sciences, SPIE, APS, PTFS
Europe, SAM.


If you or your institution is interested in offering sponsorship, please
get in touch with members of the Committee. Among other things, this money
will assist librarians who wish to attend LISA VII but are unable to
receive full assistance from their institutions.

We are happy to make a preliminary announcement for the FOL application
process for assistance to attend LISA VII. Funding is available for
transportation, conference fees and potentially housing. Partial or full
compensation will be available, depending on each individual's
circumstance. In most cases, it is our intention to send the funds via bank
transfer. No per diem will be offered as it is covered in conference

Please fill out the following application by December 31, 2013:


The Friends of LISA VII Committee will review the applications starting in


Friends of LISA Committee

Christopher Erdmann, Sally Bosken, Dianne Dietrich, Kayleigh Bohemier
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