[IAUC] IAUC 9263: V2830 Aql = N Aql 2013 = PNV J19023335+0315190; C/2012 S1 [25139-2012/04-R1]

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Dom Nov 10 16:28:11 ART 2013

                                                  Circular No. 9263
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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V2830 AQUILAE = NOVA AQUILAE 2013 = PNV J19023335+0315190
     As first announced on CBET 3691, S. Nakano reported the
discovery by Koichi Itagaki (Teppo-cho, Yamagata, Japan) of a
possible nova (mag 13.8) on an unfiltered CCD frame taken on Oct.
28.443 UT using a 0.21-m reflector; Itagaki measured the variable's
position as R.A. = 19h02m33s.35, Decl. = +3o15'19".0 (equinox
2000.0).  The new object was designated PNV J19023335+0315190 when
it was posted at the Central Bureau's TOCP webpage.  It was
confirmed spectroscopically as a "Fe II"-type nova close to maximum
brightness on Nov. 3.764 by U. Munari (Padua Observatory).
Additional observations are given on CBET 3691.  N. N. Samus writes
that this nova has been given the permanent GCVS designation V2830

COMET C/2012 S1 (ISON)
     M. J. Mumma, M. A. DiSanti, L. Paganini, G. L. Villanueva, B.
P. Bonev, E. L. Gibb, J. V. Keane, and K. J. Meech (a combined team
from Goddard Space Flight Center, the University of Missouri at St.
Louis, and the University of Hawaii) report preliminary abundances
or upper limits for trace volatiles in comet C/2012 S1 based on
NIRSPEC spectra obtained with the Keck II telescope on Oct. 22.6
and 24.6 UT (with the comet at r about 1.2 AU, Delta about 1.5 AU).
Water-production rates on these dates were reported on CBET 9261.
Based on an assumed rotational temperature of 50 K, the mean
production rates (about 10**25 molecules/s) and mixing ratios for
trace species are:  CH_3OH (14 +/- 3; 1.1 +/- 0.3 percent), C_2H_6
(2.6 +/- 0.5 percent; 0.21 +/- 0.05 percent); CH_4 (7.6 +/- 3; 0.7
+/- 0.3 percent), CO (< 28; < 2.0 percent, 3-sigma), HCN (< 1.2;
< 0.1 percent, 3-sigma).
     L. Paganini and G. A. Blake, California Institute of
Technology; and G. L. Villanueva, M. A. DiSanti, B. P. Bonev, E. L.
Gibb, and M. J. Mumma, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA, report
preliminary production rates and mixing ratios for C/2012 S1 (ISON)
obtained under Caltech time on Nov. 7.6 UT (r about 0.83 AU, Delta
about 1.06 AU) using NIRSPEC.  Based on five spectral lines, the
water-production rate was 3.1 (+/- 0.2) x 10**28 molecules/s, and
the rotational temperature was 60 +/- 10 K.  This represents a
major increase in gas production compared with that of Oct. 22-25
[1.4 (+/- 0.2) x 10**28 molecules/s, from CBET 9261].  Production
rates (10**25 molecules/s) and mixing ratios for trace species are:
CH_4 (11 +/- 2; 0.4 +/- 0.1 percent), HCN (1.8 +/- 0.4; 0.06 +/-
0.02 percent).  Both mixing ratios are consistent with (but more
accurate than) values reported above.  Together, these results
suggest that abundances for minor primary volatiles are generally
depleted in comet C/2012 S1, compared with organics-normal comets.

                      (C) Copyright 2013 CBAT
2013 November 10               (9263)            Daniel W. E. Green

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