[IAUC] [AstroLib] Unified Astronomy Thesaurus

Erdmann, Christopher cerdmann en cfa.harvard.edu
Vie Jul 5 10:50:26 ART 2013

Dear PAMNET,AstroLib,

First, if you have not seen the initial announcement about the Unified
Astronomy Thesaurus (UAT), please

Additional information on the UAT is also available at:

In order to create a robust thesaurus that is truly representative of the
research being conducted in the domain of astronomy, our group needs your
help in finding astronomers that would be willing to assist in the UAT
editorial process. We expect the workload to be light, but do need the
expertise and advice of editors to aide in the decision-making process of
developing the UAT further. If you know of astronomers at your organization
who might be interested in participating in the project as editors, please
let us know? Feel free to forward this message on to your colleagues. We
are also happy to respond to any questions they may have. Thank you in

We would also like to share with you a visual thesaurus tool, built using
the D3 JavaScript library, meant to aide in browsing of the UAT:

Additional methods for browsing the UAT are available at:

Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Christopher Erdmann, Katie Frey
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