[IAUC] CBET 3132: 20120531 : P/2012 K7 = P/1994 X1 (McNAUGHT-RUSSELL)

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Jue Mayo 31 15:29:41 ART 2012

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 3132
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
CBAT Director:  Daniel W. E. Green; Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University;
 20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA  02138; U.S.A.
e-mail:  cbatiau en eps.harvard.edu (alternate cbat en iau.org)
URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html
Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network

P/2012 K7 = P/1994 X1 (McNAUGHT-RUSSELL)
     G. Sostero, N. Howes, and E. Guido report the recovery of comet P/1994 X1
= 1994u = 1994 XXIV (cf. IAUCs 6115, 6116, 6117) on seven stacked 60-s R-band
CCD images obtained remotely with the "Faulkes Telescope North" at Haleakala
on May 29.6 UT (astrometry provided below) in good seeing conditions; the
comet appears slightly diffuse with a tiny coma about 3" in diameter, having a
total magnitude (as measured through a Bessel-R filter) of about 19.5.
Sostero also forwards confirming astrometry obtained remotely by E. Bryssinck
(Kruibeke, Belgium) on May 30.4 with a 0.43-m f/6.8 astrograph (+ f/4.5 focal
reducer; eight stacked 180-s unfiltered CCD exposures) located at the RAS
Observatory (ITelescope network) near Mayhill, NM, U.S.A.; Bryssinck found a
nearly-stellar appearance with the smaller telescope.

     2012 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Mag.   Observer
     May  29.60846   20 15 16.22   +17 09 35.2   19.8   Sostero
          29.61077   20 15 16.26   +17 09 36.9   19.9     "
          29.61148   20 15 16.27   +17 09 38.8   20.0     "
          30.40725   20 15 27.40   +17 22 53.9   19.8   Bryssinck
          30.41233   20 15 27.46   +17 22 59.1   19.9     "
          30.41741   20 15 27.53   +17 23 03.9   19.9     "

The indicated correction to the prediction on MPC 79019 is Delta(T) = +0.024
day.  The following orbital elements by G. V. Williams link the two

                    Epoch = 2012 Dec. 19.0 TT
     T = 2012 Dec.  4.48060 TT        Peri. = 171.19311
     e = 0.8153767                    Node  = 218.01180 2000.0
     q = 1.2799181 AU                 Incl. =  29.07902
       a =  6.9325928 AU   n = 0.05399587   P =  18.25 years

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2012 CBAT
2012 May 31                      (CBET 3132)              Daniel W. E. Green

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