[IAUC] IAUC 9251: V834 Car = N Car 2012 [25139-2012/04-R1]

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Jue Mar 15 18:55:07 ART 2012

                                                  Circular No. 9251
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
New postal address:  Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University;
 20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA  02138; U.S.A.
CBATIAU en EPS.HARVARD.EDU           ISSN 0081-0304
URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html
Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network

     As first announced on CBET 3040, John Seach (Chatsworth Island,
NSW, Australia) reported his discovery of a possible new nova (mag
10.2) on three CCD images (limiting mag 11.0) taken on Feb. 26.543
UT with an SLR camera with a 50-mm f/1.0 lens; he gave the position
of the variable as alpha = 10h50m20s, Decl. = -64o06'48" (equinox
2000.0); nothing is present at this position on his image from Feb.
23.424 (limiting mag 11) or on a red Palomar Sky Survey image.
Selected visual magnitudes for the variable:  Mar. 4.024, 10.5 (S.
Bais, Olavarria, Argentina; via E. Waagen, AAVSO); 4.986, 10.5 (J.
G. de S. Aguiar, Campinas, Brazil); 7.117, 10.9 (Bais); 7.990, 11.0
(Aguiar); 9.990, 11.0 (Aguiar); 11.003, 11.4 (Bais); 11.995, 11.2
(Aguiar); 13.075, 12.5 (Bais); 15.049, 12.3 (Bais).  Additional non-
visual magnitudes for the variable:  Feb. 25.733, 11: (possible
detection at limit by Seach); 27.441, 10.4 (Seach); Mar. 1.155, V =
10.55 (A. Oksanen and C. Harlingten, using a 0.50-m telescope at
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile; position end figures 19s.66, 46".7);
5.323, V = 10.87 (Oksanen); 5.325, B = 11.54 (Oksanen); 7.295, R =
10.27 (Oksanen); 7.296, V = 11.21, B = 11.88 (Oksanen); 10.375, V =
11.54 (Oksanen); 10.376, B = 12.21 (Oksanen).  Additional V
magnitudes sent by Waagen:  Mar. 6.352, 11.02 (J. Hambsch, Mol,
Belgium):  7.528, 11.27 (T. Bohlsen, Armidale, NSW, Australia):
8.361, 11.32 (Hambsch); 10.468, 11.52 (Bohlsen); 11.472, 11.77
(Bohlsen); 12.550, 11.99 (T. G. Tan, Dalkeith, W. Australia):
13.474, 12.11 (Tan); 14.278, 12.17 (Hambsch).  Oksanen notes that a
nearby very faint star is visible near the plate limit (mag perhaps
19) on a red U.K. Schmidt telescope IIIa-F plate (RG610 filter)
taken on 1994 Apr. 9, but he adds that the star is not exactly at
the position of the presumed nova.  The variable was designated
TCP J10502000-6406480 when it was posted at the Central Bureau's
TOCP webpage, and it has been assigned the GCVS designation V834
Car by N. N. Samus.
     F. M. Walter, Stony Brook University; and M. Hernandez, Cerro
Tololo Interamerican Observatory, obtained a red spectrogram (range
555-700 nm; 0.31-nm resolution) of the presumed nova with the
SMARTS 1.5-m telescope (+ RC spectrograph) on Mar. 7.01 UT.  The
spectrum features a strong H_alpha emission line with equivalent
width about -52 nm and FWHM about 3.7 nm; the line is asymmetric,
with a steeper blue side and a weak P-Cyg absorption feature at
about -1500 km/s.  P-Cyg absorption at similar velocities is seen
also from Fe II 614.9-nm and the Na I D doublet.  The continuum is
prominent.  There are numerous weak and broad emission features.
The spectrum appears to be that of a classical "Fe II" nova near

                      (C) Copyright 2012 CBAT
2012 March 15                  (9251)            Daniel W. E. Green

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