[IAUC] IAUC 9252: S/2011 J 1, S/2011 J 2; C/2012 E2 [25139-2012/04-R1]

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Dom Jun 3 18:20:57 ART 2012

                                                  Circular No. 9252
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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S/2011 J 1 AND S/2011 J 2
     As first announced on CBET 3002, S. S. Sheppard, Department of
Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, reports
the discovery of two new satellites of Jupiter on CCD images
obtained with the Magellan-Badde 6.5-m telescope at Las Campanas
Observatory.  S/2011 J 1 was found at mag 23.7 on images taken on
2011 Sept. 27.3-27.4 UT; orbital elements by G. V. Williams (cf.
MPEC 2012-B97) include i = 163 deg, e = 0.30, and P = 0.049 yr.
S/2011 J 2 was found at mag 23.5 on images taken on 2011 Sept.
27.3; orbital elements elements by Williams include i = 152 deg,
e = 0.39, and P = 0.061 yr.

COMET C/2012 E2 (SWAN)
     M. R. Combi, University of Michigan; J.-L. Bertaux, E.
Quemerais, Service d'Aeronomie, Centre National de la Recherce
Scientifique, Universite de Versailles St-Quentin-En-Yvelines; and
J. T. T. Maekinen, Finnish Meteorological Institute, report:  "The
Solar Wind ANisotropies (SWAN) camera on the Solar and Heliospheric
Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft, located in a halo orbit around the
earth-sun L1 Lagrange point makes daily full-sky images of hydrogen
Lyman-alpha.  Comet C/2012 E2 was discovered in SWAN images by
Bezugly and Williams (cf. CBET 3047) and reported as a likely
Kreutz-group comet.  We report water-production rates as determined
from the SWAN hydrogen Lyman-alpha brightness and distribution.
The water-production rates are as follows, in unites of 10^27
molecules/s, with uncertainties obtained from the instrument noise
and formal model inversion only; calibration and model parameters
contribute to an additional realistic absolute uncertainty of about
30 percent:  Mar. 4.95 UT, 4.6 +/- 0.9; Mar. 5.92, 7.1 +/- 1.0;
Mar. 6.92, 4.6 +/- 1.1; Mar. 8.92, 16.9 +/- 0.7.  The hydrogen coma
was not seen in the image on Mar. 2.95, implying a production rate
below about 10^27 molecules/s).  An outer edge of the coma was
still seen just outside the SWAN solar-avoidance area in the image
taken on Mar. 9.89, but a reliable production could not be
determined.  It was not detected after perihelion, when it again
should have come out from SWAN's solar-avoidance area."

                      (C) Copyright 2012 CBAT
2012 June 3                    (9252)            Daniel W. E. Green

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