[IAUC] IAUC 9247: V965 Per = N Per 2011; P/2011 Y1 = P/2006 T1 [25139-2012/04-R1]

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Lun Dic 19 21:49:29 ART 2011

                                                  Circular No. 9247
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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     Vladimir Lipunov and N. Tyurina report the MASTER discovery of
an optical transient (mag 17.5) on several unfiltered images
(limiting mag 19.0) taken on Nov. 7.75 UT.  The new object is
located at R.A. = 3h11m16s.23, Decl. = +37o05'02".7 (equinox 2000.0,
presumed).  Nothing is visible at this position on their reference
image from Oct. 31.75 (limiting mag 19.8).
     M. Fraser, L. Magill, S. Smartt, and R. Kotak, Queens
University, Belfast, report that they obtained spectra with the
Nordic Optical Telescope (+ ALFOSC + Grism 4; range about 320-910
nm) on Nov. 29.0 UT, showing that the MASTER transient appears to
be a Galactic nova.  The spectrum has a flat continuum, with Balmer
series emission lines at zero redshift with a full-width-at-half-
maximum of about 2000 km/s.  The apparent magnitude at discovery
implies that the nova was already significantly post-maximum then
(Nov. 7).  There is no source coincident with the nova in archival
Digitized Sky Survey or 2MASS images.
     E. Kazarovets, on behalf of the GCVS team, reports that the
permanent designation V965 Per has been assigned to this nova.

COMET P/2011 Y1 = P/2006 T1 (LEVY)
     An object found by the Mt. Lemmon Survey and posted on the
Minor Planet Center's NEOCP webpage has been found to show cometary
appearance by CCD astrometrists elsewhere.  E. Pettarin (Farra
d'Isonzo, Italy; 0.40-m reflector) notes that a central
condensation is surrounded by a diffuse coma that is elongated in
p.a. 50 deg.  P. Birtwhistle (Great Shefford, Berkshire, England;
0.40-m reflector) writes that the object was diffuse and difficult
to measure, with a coma diameter of 12" and a poorly concentrated
center 4" in diameter; a tail extends 14" in p.a. 50 deg.  This
appears to be a recovery of comet P/2006 T1 (cf. IAUCs 8757, 8762),
with the indicated correction to the prediction on MPC 75514 being
Delta(T) = +2.4 days.  The initial astrometry for each observer are
given below:

     2011 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Mag.   Observer
     Dec. 17.06325   23 05 56.18   +26 59 18.2   19.8   Mt. Lemmon
          17.72689   23 07 51.72   +26 44 34.5   19.1   Pettarin
          17.74935   23 07 55.80   +26 44 02.2          Birtwhistle

Additional astrometry and the following linked orbital elements by
G. V. Williams appear on MPEC 2011-Y07:  Epoch = 2012 Feb. 3.0 TT,
T = 2012 Jan. 14.93632 TT, q = 1.0074539 AU, e = 0.6682595, Peri. =
179.62724 deg, Node = 279.74496 deg, i = 18.26398 deg (equinox
2000.0), P = 5.29 years.

                      (C) Copyright 2011 CBAT
2011 December 19               (9247)            Daniel W. E. Green

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