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Jue Sep 3 13:33:37 ART 2009

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 1938
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
M.S. 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS en CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html

     P. Brown, D. K. Wong, R. J. Weryk, and P. Wiegert, University of Western
Ontario, have contributed 62 new meteor showers to the IAU Meteor Shower
Working List (cf. CBET 1088), based on 3D-wavelet-transform analysis of five
years of observations by the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (Brown et al. 2009,
Icarus, in press).  P. Jenniskens, Chair of IAU Commission 22's Task Group on
Meteor Shower Nomenclature, reports that the following showers were added to
the Working List.  In the table below, the solar longitude, R.A., and Decl.
are given in degrees for equinox 2000.0; V_g is the geocentric velocity of
the meteoroids at the earth, but outside the earth's gravitational field; and
d_RA and d_Dec are the drifts in the radiant position (in R.A. and Decl.,
respectively) for every advance of one degree of solar longitude.  Details
for each shower are given at the IAU Meteor Data Center's website:
http://www.ta3.sk/IAUC22DB/MDC2007/.  The list is maintained by T. Jopek,
Poznan University.

No.    Meteor-shower Name      long.   R.A.    Decl.    V_g     d_RA   d_Dec

347    beta Pegasids           36.0    350.5   +27.8    41.0   +0.63   +0.34
348    April rho Cygnids       37.0    324.5   +45.9    41.8   +0.61   +0.36
349    lambda Lyrids           41.0    283.7   +28.5    33.4   +0.72   -0.15

350    May Lacertids           42.0    335.6   +45.3    43.0   +0.61   +0.50
351    Daytime Triangulids     46.0     35.9   +34.1    26.2    0.00    0.00
352    zeta Ophiuchids         47.0    254.8   - 4.4    22.8   +0.74   -0.29
353    sigma Cetids            49.0     39.0   -15.7    35.5    0.00    0.00
354    Daytime delta           53.0     35.3   +33.7    28.4   +1.95   +0.91

355    Daytime xi Cetids       54.0     36.4   + 8.6    16.5   +1.00   +0.30
356    May Vulpeculids         54.0    287.2   +22.5    32.5   +0.66   -0.90
357    phi Pegasids            54.0    358.3   +20.7    30.4   +0.72   -0.01
358    tau Ophiuchids          55.0    369.3   - 6.4    37.0   +0.03   -0.55
359    May zeta Cygnids        60.0    318.2   +29.8    29.2    0.00    0.00

360    psi Pegasids            63.0      1.8   +28.1    30.8   +1.11   +0.70
361    theta Serpentids        65.0    284.0   + 6.0    32.0   +0.77   -0.35
362    June mu Cassiopeiids    74.0     17.5   +53.9    43.6   +0.91   +0.28
363    zeta Eridanids          93.0     50.8   - 4.1    50.9   +0.64   +0.44
364    kappa Cetids            94.0     51.0   + 4.6    29.2   +1.71   +0.95

365    beta Camelopardalids   100.0     59.7   +59.7    42.7   +2.10   +0.03
366    July beta Pegasids     100.0    349.1   +34.4    27.8    0.00    0.00
367    omicron Pegasids       100.0    336.9   +31.2    28.5    0.00    0.00
368    July Andromedids       101.0     36.1   +49.1    34.7   +0.68   +0.96
369    July Taurids           104.0     70.0   + 1.5    39.7   +0.81   +0.16

370    Microscopiids          104.0    320.3   -28.3    38.0   +0.89   +0.29
371    alpha Pegasids         106.0    353.9   +17.8    35.9    0.00    0.00
372    phi Piscids            106.0     20.1   +24.1    62.9   +1.56   +0.36
373    theta Perseids         106.0     41.1   +47.6    53.0   +0.87   -0.07
374    iota Sculptorids       128.0      5.2   -28.1    36.7   +0.23   -0.40

375    August omicron         134.0     66.9   - 8.3    45.0   +1.22   +0.08
376    August Lyncids         135.0    119.8   +55.1    41.7   +1.52   -0.23
377    Daytime Monocerotids   137.0    114.1   - 3.1    37.2    0.00    0.00
378    gamma Eridanids        138.0     61.9   -17.4    56.9    0.00    0.00
379    August Cetids          153.0      7.0   - 5.6    20.2   +1.85    0.00

380    kappa Draconids        158.0    189.4   +73.1    38.0   +0.95   -0.70
381    Daytime pi Leonids     174.0    145.6   + 8.7    41.7   +0.76   -0.34
382    beta Ursae Majorids    184.0    161.2   +56.5    50.3   +1.53   +0.10
383    lambda Draconids       196.0    156.1   +74.7    37.5   +1.29   -0.23
384    October Leporids       203.0     81.6   -13.8    25.5   +1.08   +0.26

385    alpha Ursae Majorids   209.0    174.6   +64.6    35.6   +1.07   -0.55
386    October beta           214.0     66.8   +56.2    47.6   +1.45   +0.30
387    October kappa          216.0    182.1   +63.4    37.3   +0.95   -0.47
388    chi Taurids            220.0     63.2   +24.7    42.1   +0.96   +0.19
389    omega Eridanids        234.0     73.3   - 5.3    31.8   +0.95   +0.35

390    November theta         237.0     89.0   +34.7    33.8   +1.49   +0.14
391    November delta         241.0    277.7   +68.2    25.5    0.00    0.00
392    November i Draconids   241.0    200.1   +64.5    43.0   +0.72   -0.31
393    rho Bootids            242.0    215.7   +31.8    43.0    0.00    0.00
394    alpha Canis Majorids   247.0    100.2   -17.3    42.0   +0.69   +0.44

395    gamma Canis Majorids   257.0    109.8   -11.3    43.6   +0.43   -0.17
396    December theta         261.0     93.0   +36.6    58.9    0.00    0.00
397    nu Geminids            262.0     99.0   +18.1    65.8    0.00    0.00
398    December Canis         266.0    112.3   -14.6    42.8    0.00    0.00
399    December Hydrids       266.0    131.5   -11.3    54.5   +0.89   -0.58

400    beta Monocerotids      271.0    100.5   - 8.8    31.0    0.00    0.00
401    beta Sextandids        292.0    160.2   + 1.8    53.2   +1.15   -0.44
402    January Hydrids        292.0    149.7   -22.1    37.9   +1.14   -0.83
403    Canum Venaticids       293.0    203.3   +42.8    52.6   +0.33   -0.30
404    gamma Ursae Minorids   299.0    231.8   +66.8    31.8   +0.70   -0.57

405    mu Hydrids             300.0    154.3   -20.9    39.1   +0.65   +0.76
406    February Comae         324.0    186.2   +29.1    24.2    0.00    0.00
407    October eta Eridanids  201.0     45.8   - 9.8    25.4    0.00    0.00
408    kappa Hydrids          283.0    139.1   -12.9    37.6    0.00    0.00

In a correction to CBET 1142, Jenniskens notes that shower 329 (Daytime kappa
Leonids) is identical to shower 212 and has been removed from the working list.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2009 CBAT
2009 September 3                 (CBET 1938)              Daniel W. E. Green

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