[IAUC] CBET 1819: 20090531 : SUPERNOVA 2009ex-2009fh AND POSSIBLE SUPERNOVAE K0905-1, K0905-2, K0905-3

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Sab Mayo 30 23:30:03 ART 2009

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 1819
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
M.S. 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
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SUPERNOVA 2009ex-2009fh AND POSSIBLE SUPERNOVAE K0905-1, K0905-2, K0905-3
     Further to CBET 1783, M. M. Kasliwal, California Institute of Technology
-- together with S. R. Kulkarni, R. Quimby, P. E. Nugent, D. A. Howell, J.
Cooke, S. B. Cenko, A. Gal-Yam, N. Law, D. Levitan, E. O. Ofek, and D.
Poznanski -- report the discovery of numerous supernovae in the course of the
"Palomar Transient Factory" survey on R-band images taken during May 15-20
that were compared with reference images obtained during May 5-15.  Those
transients that were confirmed via three-filter (g, r, and i) imaging with
the robotic Palomar 1.5-m reflector were spectroscopically classified a few
days later using the Double Beam Spectrograph on the Palomar Hale telescope:
on May 19 for 2009ey, 2009ez, 2009fb, 2009ff, and 2009fe; on May 21
for 2009fh, K0905-3, and 2009fg; and on May 20 for the rest.  The type and
phase of the supernovae (days since maximum light) were identified using the
"Superfit" software of Howell et al. (2005):  except for 2009fe (type II),
2009ex-2009fh were all found to be type-Ia events, each close to maximum
except for 2009fg and 2009fh (a few days before maximum), and 2009ex
(more than a week before maximum).  The discovery observations are
tabulated below, along with the measured redshifts.

SN       2009 UT        R.A. (2000.0) Decl.        R      Offset           z
2009ex   May 15.220   17 38 26.07  +53 23 00.7   20.2   4".1 E, 1".3 N   0.080
2009ey   May 15.236   14 09 16.68  +53 06 12.8   20.6   0".8 W, 0".1 N   0.179
2009ez   May 15.259   13 12 54.49  +43 28 35.9   19.8   0".3 E, 0".1 S   0.091
2009fa   May 16.198   16 46 42.82  +75 15 28.6   17.7   0".2 S           0.042
2009fb   May 17.172   14 50 00.12  +44 55 05.8   19.1   2".5 E, 5".6 N   0.08
2009fc   May 17.196   15 27 48.59  +41 35 34.1   19.4   0".2 E, 1".4 S   0.082
2009fd   May 17.196   15 29 10.96  +40 47 38.8   20.4   1".0 W, 0".3 S   0.139
2009fe   May 17.237   16 47 34.81  +49 50 00.4   18.1   0".2 W, 0".2 S   0.047
2009ff   May 17.247   16 33 10.92  +53 05 30.8   20.5   1".0 W, 0".5 S   0.17
2009fg   May 20.245   12 54 23.73  +56 43 57.3   20.4   0".2 E, 0".1 N   0.153
2009fh   May 20.401   15 44 38.77  +45 47 51.2   20.4   0".1 E, 0".3 S   0.123

     Following are the discovery observations for three possible supernovae:

PSN       2009 UT        R.A. (2000.0) Decl.       R      Offset            z
K0905-1   May 17.229   14 57 03.10  +49 36 40.8   19.4      --            0.064
K0905-2   May 17.244   17 36 44.27  +53 40 12.0   20.3   1".4 W, 3".5 S   0.109
K0905-3   May 20.288   14 32 14.64  +54 51 19.5   20.3   3".5 W, 2".2 N   0.123

Spectra of K0905-2, K0905-1, and K0905-3 each have a blue and mostly
featureless continuum and require further spectroscopic follow-up.
Some of the data above revise or add to what was posted originally at website
URL http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=2055, where other information
(including additional magnitudes) is provided for the above fourteen objects
-- together with the discovery on May 17.253 UT of a cataclysmic variable of
mag 20 at R.A. = 15h06m11s.04, Decl. = +53o17'42".7 (equinox 2000.0).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2009 CBAT
2009 May 31                      (CBET 1819)              Daniel W. E. Green

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