[IAUC] CBET 1790: 20090503 : COMET P/2009 H2 (McNAUGHT)

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Dom Mayo 3 09:50:02 ART 2009

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 1790
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
M.S. 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS en CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html

     Automatic procedures at the Minor Planet Center identified comet
P/2004 K2 (cf. IAUC 8348) in incidental astrometry obtained by T. H. Bressi
with the Spacewatch 0.9-m f/3 reflector on Apr. 28.  Subsequently, recovery
observations were independenty reported by G. Muler, J. M. Ruiz and R. Naves
with the 0.30-m Schmidt-Cassegrain at the Observatorio Nazaret (Lanzarate,
Spain) on May 1 and 3.  No information was provided about the comet's

Packed Desig.  Date    UT        R.A. (2000.0) Decl.             Mag.        Obs
    PK09H020  C2009 04 28.36557 16 03 06.17 -07 33 49.0                      691
    PK09H020  C2009 04 28.38319 16 03 05.49 -07 33 42.3                      691
    PK09H020  C2009 04 28.40081 16 03 04.82 -07 33 36.0                      691
    PK09H020  C2009 05 01.04433 16 01 23.07 -07 18 04.3          20.2        J47
    PK09H020  C2009 05 01.05848 16 01 22.45 -07 17 59.7          20.2        J47
    PK09H020  C2009 05 01.07499 16 01 21.75 -07 17 53.6          20.2        J47
    PK09H020  C2009 05 01.09033 16 01 21.10 -07 17 48.5          20.2        J47
    PK09H020  C2009 05 01.11038 16 01 20.23 -07 17 41.2          20.3        J47
    PK09H020  C2009 05 03.05734 15 59 59.04 -07 06 17.5          20.0        J47
    PK09H020  C2009 05 03.05994 15 59 58.87 -07 06 16.9          19.9        J47
    PK09H020  C2009 05 03.06591 15 59 58.58 -07 06 15.0          20.2        J47

     The indicated correction to the prediction on MPC 56805 is Delta(T) =
-0.08 day.  The following improved orbital elements are from 155 observations
spanning 2004 May 20-2009 May 3 (mean residual 0".7):

                    Epoch = 2004 June  4.0 TT
     T = 2004 June 16.81457 TT        Peri. = 180.77298
     e = 0.5012692                    Node  = 150.12399 2000.0
     q = 1.5544515 AU                 Incl. =   8.12289
       a =  3.1168146 AU   n = 0.17911734   P =   5.503 years

                    Epoch = 2010 Jan.  4.0 TT
     T = 2009 Dec. 15.43207 TT        Peri. = 180.75749
     e = 0.5026812                    Node  = 150.11807 2000.0
     q = 1.5486245 AU                 Incl. =   8.13271
       a =  3.1139471 AU   n = 0.17936480   P =   5.495 years

Residuals in seconds of arc
K045K  E12  0.5-  0.1+    K048B  D74 (3.4+  1.8-)   K04AB  213  0.5-  0.1+
K045K  E12  1.3-  0.8+    K048D  704  0.2-  0.5-    K04AB  213  0.5-  0.5+
K045K  E12  1.9-  1.4+    K048D  704  0.2+  0.4-    K04AB  213  0.3-  0.4+
K045K  E12  0.1-  0.7+    K048D  704  0.8-  0.2-    K04AC  170  0.1+  0.6+
K045N  G90  0.5-  0.9+    K048D  704  0.1-  0.7+    K04AC  170  0.1+  0.4+
K045N  G90  0.2-  0.1+    K048D  704  0.2-  0.4-    K04AC  170  0.1+  0.3+
K045N  G90  0.4-  0.6+    K048O  246  1.1-  0.1+    K04AD  A33  0.4+  0.1-
K045N  G90  1.6-  0.4+    K048O  246  0.4+  0.2-    K04AD  A33  0.1+  0.1-
K045N  G90  0.6+  1.1+    K048O  246  1.4+  0.0     K04AG  360  0.5+  0.4+
K045N  G90  0.3-  0.9+    K048O  246  1.6+  0.8-    K04AG  360  0.1+  0.4+
K045N  703  0.2-  0.1+    K048R  703 (4.0-  2.0-)   K04AI  118  1.2-  0.1+
K045N  703 (1.0-  2.2+)   K048R  703  0.9-  0.7-    K04AI  118  0.1+  0.5-
K045P  673  0.0   0.9+    K048R  703 (2.2-  0.3-)   K04AN  213  0.0   0.3-
K045P  673  1.3+  0.6+    K048R  703  0.8-  1.4+    K04AN  213  0.1+  0.2-
K045P  673  0.2+  0.4+    K048S  699  0.4+  0.4-    K04AN  213  0.3+  0.1-
K045P  673  0.7+  0.5+    K048S  699  0.1-  1.0-    K04AQ  850  0.1-  0.6+
K045P  673  1.5+  1.0+    K048S  699  0.4-  0.8-    K04AQ  850  0.1-  0.6+
K045P  474  0.8-  0.8+    K048S  699  0.1-  0.1+    K04B1  413  0.6+  0.3+
K045P  474  1.8+  0.5+    K0497  246  0.4-  0.1+    K04B2  683  0.2+  1.6-
K045P  474  0.2-  0.4-    K0497  246  0.5+  0.1-    K04B2  683 (2.4-  2.1+)
K045P  474  0.5-  0.1-    K0497  246  0.4+  0.2-    K04B2  683  0.3-  1.1+
K045S  673  1.8+  0.2+    K0497  246  1.0+  0.2-    K04B4  104  0.0   0.4+
K045S  673  1.2+  0.3+    K0497  246  0.6+  0.3+    K04B4  104  0.5+  0.4+
K045S  673  1.6+  0.3+    K0499  246  0.4+  0.1+    K04B4  104  0.4+  0.4+
K045U  413  0.2+  0.3-    K0499  246  0.7+  0.1+    K04B6  360  0.2+  0.5+
K045V  413  0.4+  0.1-    K0499  246  0.2+  0.4+    K04B6  360  0.2+  0.4+
K0467  413  0.4+  0.7-    K0499  246  0.2+  0.0     K04BC  704  0.3+  0.7+
K0468  204  0.6-  0.5-    K0499  A32  0.6-  1.4-    K04BC  704  0.9+  0.6+
K046D  703  1.1-  0.9+    K0499  A32  0.9-  0.9-    K04BC  704  0.6-  0.2-
K046D  703  0.5-  0.3-    K049A  046  0.9-  0.8+    K04BJ  213  0.5+  0.6+
K046D  703  1.6-  0.9-    K049A  046  1.3-  0.1-    K04BJ  213  0.2-  1.1+
K046D  703 (2.2-  0.2-)   K049A  046  1.4-  0.4-    K04BT  118  0.1-  0.4-
K046M  703  1.5-  0.9-    K049A  046  1.6-  0.1+    K04BT  118  0.1-  0.3+
K046M  703  1.3-  0.0     K049H  017  0.2-  0.3-    K04C8  360  0.3-  0.5+
K046M  703  1.4-  1.7-    K049J  215  0.1+  0.3-    K04C8  360  0.0   0.1+
K046M  703  1.8-  0.7-    K049J  118  0.7-  0.5-    K04C8  360  0.3-  0.5+
K046R  E12  0.4+  1.3-    K049J  118  1.0+  0.7-    K04CB  360  0.4+  0.2+
K046R  E12  0.2-  2.0-    K049K  785  1.2-  0.4+    K04CB  360  0.8+  0.3+
K046R  E12  1.1+  0.9-    K049K  785  0.8-  0.6+    K04CB  360  0.3-  0.1+
K046R  E12  0.7+  1.5-    K049K  785  1.0-  1.1-    K04CB  561  0.5+  0.3+
K046U  360  0.0   0.0     K049M  704  0.1-  1.3+    K04CB  561  1.8-  0.5+
K046U  360  0.2+  0.2-    K049M  704  0.5-  0.4+    K04CB  561  0.0   0.4-
K046U  360  0.1+  0.3+    K049M  704  0.7-  0.1-    K094S  691  0.4-  0.1-
K047C  413  0.6+  0.1-    K049M  704  0.4+  1.4+    K094S  691  0.4-  0.4+
K047H  215  0.4+  0.9-    K049M  704  0.4+  0.1-    K094S  691  0.2-  0.5+
K047K  413  0.7+  0.1+    K049O  704  0.2+  0.3+    K0951  J47  0.7+  0.9+
K047V  170  0.4+  1.1-    K049O  704  0.3+  1.0+    K0951  J47  0.4+  0.6+
K047V  170  0.6+  0.7-    K049O  704  0.5+  1.0+    K0951  J47  0.5+  0.9+
K048B  704  0.2+  0.4-    K049O  704  0.0   0.5+    K0951  J47  0.5+  0.6+
K048B  704  0.5-  0.2+    K04A7  704  0.5+  0.6+    K0951  J47  0.3+  0.8+
K048B  704  0.2-  0.5-    K04A7  704  0.4+  0.2+    K0953  J47  1.6+  1.2+
K048B  704  0.0   0.2-    K04A7  704  0.2+  1.3+    K0953  J47  0.8+  0.9+
K048B  704  0.9-  0.5-    K04A7  704  0.9+  0.2-    K0953  J47  0.5+  0.7+
K048B  D74  1.4+  0.4-    K04A7  704  0.0   1.3+

     The following ephemeris assumes H_10 = 15.0:

Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase  Mag.
2009 04 29    16 02.71   -07 30.0    1.579    2.529   155.1     9.6  20.0
2009 05 09    15 55.36   -06 32.1    1.488    2.473   163.4     6.7  19.8
2009 05 19    15 46.29   -05 39.6    1.422    2.416   165.9     5.8  19.6
2009 05 29    15 36.48   -04 58.6    1.382    2.360   159.9     8.5  19.4
2009 06 08    15 27.14   -04 34.6    1.366    2.303   150.2    12.6  19.3
2009 06 18    15 19.40   -04 30.9    1.371    2.246   139.9    16.9  19.2
2009 06 28    15 14.15   -04 48.7    1.394    2.190   129.9    20.9  19.1
2009 07 08    15 11.96   -05 27.0    1.430    2.134   120.5    24.2  19.1
2009 07 18    15 13.03   -06 22.9    1.475    2.078   111.8    27.0  19.0
2009 07 28    15 17.37   -07 33.6    1.525    2.024   103.8    29.2  19.0
2009 08 07    15 24.87   -08 55.6    1.578    1.970    96.6    30.8  18.9
2009 08 17    15 35.31   -10 25.5    1.630    1.918    89.9    31.9  18.9
2009 08 27    15 48.55   -12 00.2    1.681    1.868    83.9    32.5  18.8
2009 09 06    16 04.40   -13 36.4    1.730    1.819    78.4    32.9  18.8
2009 09 16    16 22.71   -15 10.9    1.776    1.774    73.4    32.9  18.7
2009 09 26    16 43.38   -16 40.3    1.820    1.731    68.8    32.7  18.7
2009 10 06    17 06.27   -18 01.2    1.860    1.691    64.5    32.3  18.6
2009 10 16    17 31.22   -19 09.9    1.898    1.656    60.6    31.7  18.6
2009 10 26    17 58.08   -20 02.9    1.935    1.624    57.0    30.9  18.5
2009 11 05    18 26.58   -20 36.8    1.971    1.598    53.7    30.0  18.5
2009 11 15    18 56.44   -20 49.0    2.007    1.577    50.6    29.0  18.5
2009 11 25    19 27.33   -20 37.3    2.045    1.562    47.7    27.9  18.5
2009 12 05    19 58.84   -20 00.8    2.085    1.552    44.9    26.6  18.5
2009 12 15    20 30.59   -18 59.8    2.128    1.549    42.3    25.3  18.5

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2009 CBAT
2009 May 3                       (CBET 1790)              Brian G. Marsden

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