[IAUC] CBET 1721: 20090315 : COMET C/2009 E1 (ITAGAKI)

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Dom Mar 15 13:39:35 ART 2009

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 1721
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
M.S. 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS en CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/cbat.html

     H. Yamaoka, Kyushu University, reports the discovery of a comet with
coma diameter about 70" on CCD images taken by Koichi Itagaki (Yamagata,
Japan) with a 21-cm f/3 reflector (diameter of field 2.2 deg), using
software by H. Kaneda to detect moving objects automatically.  The
original times for the two discovery images (as well as the first four
follow-up images taken at the same location with a 30-cm f/7.8 reflector)
were later corrected and relayed by S. Nakano (Sumoto, Japan), who notes that
the comet is diffuse with weak condensation and a hint of tail toward the
south, measuring total mag 11.9 from an image taken on Mar. 14.424 UT.
Available CCD astrometry, including that sent to the Central Bureau after
posting on the Minor Planet Center's NEOCP webpage:

    CK09E010 1C2009 03 14.41509 02 48 07.10 +08 23 31.0          12.8        D94
    CK09E010 1C2009 03 14.41522 02 48 06.88 +08 23 33.3          12.8        D94
    CK09E010 1C2009 03 14.42556 02 48 05.43 +08 24 19.4                      D94
    CK09E010 1C2009 03 14.42872 02 48 05.06 +08 24 34.2                      D94
    CK09E010 1C2009 03 14.43199 02 48 04.57 +08 24 47.3                      D94
    CK09E010 1C2009 03 14.44446 02 48 02.82 +08 25 45.6                      D94
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.03862 02 46 33.02 +09 11 30.4          16.6        H55
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.04076 02 46 32.69 +09 11 40.3          16.4        H55
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.04279 02 46 32.37 +09 11 49.4          16.6        H55
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.10722 02 46 22.59 +09 16 42.3          14.6        H06
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.11760 02 46 21.01 +09 17 29.7          16.1        854
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.11923 02 46 20.76 +09 17 36.8          14.6        H06
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.12120 02 46 20.44 +09 17 45.5          15.9        854
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.12420 02 46 20.01 +09 17 59.3          15.9        854
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.39647 02 45 39.24 +09 38 24.5                      349
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.39704 02 45 39.18 +09 38 27.2                      349
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.40429 02 45 38.05 +09 38 59.5          13.3        D94
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.40458 02 45 38.04 +09 39 01.1                      349
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.40534 02 45 37.89 +09 39 03.6                      349
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.40687 02 45 37.65 +09 39 10.7          10.8        349
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.40792 02 45 37.58 +09 39 16.5                      D94
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.41272 02 45 36.80 +09 39 36.7                      D94
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.41578 02 45 36.29 +09 39 50.5                      D94
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.41639 02 45 36.29 +09 39 54.2                      900
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.41993 02 45 35.70 +09 40 09.5                      D94
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.42025 02 45 35.71 +09 40 11.2                      900
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.42291 02 45 35.30 +09 40 23.2                      D94
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.42443 02 45 35.09 +09 40 30.0                      900
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.42829 02 45 34.47 +09 40 47.3          14.6        900
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.45943 02 45 29.80 +09 43 05.8                      349
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.46067 02 45 29.63 +09 43 11.8                      349
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.46193 02 45 29.46 +09 43 16.9                      349
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.50017 02 45 23.56 +09 46 06.9          12.4        367
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.50156 02 45 23.42 +09 46 12.7          12.6        367
    CK09E010  C2009 03 15.50295 02 45 23.16 +09 46 18.6          12.6        367

Observer information, listed chronologically by observer code:
D94  K. Itagaki (Takanezawa, Tochigi, Japan).  Long. = 139d59'46".4 east,
     Lat. = +36d37'40".2, elevation 200 m, rho cos phi' = 0.80351,
     rho sin phi' = +0.59335.  Measurer Hiroshi Kaneda (Sapporo, Japan).
H55  R. Holmes (Charleston, IL, USA, 0.61-m f/4.5 astrograph).  Measurer
     H. Devore.  USNO-B1.0 catalogue for astrometry and photometry.  Ten
     co-added exposures reveal a nuclear condensation 28" in diameter and
     a diffuse coma 54".8 in diameter (no tail).
H06  E. Guido, G. Sostero, and P. Camilleri (observing remotely with a
     0.25-m f/3.4 reflector near Mayhill, NM, USA).  UCAC-2 catalogue for
     astrometry and photometry.  Thirty co-added 30-s unfiltered exposures
     show a bright inner coma with diameter of about 1'.4, and a faint
     external halo nearly 4' in diameter (total mag about 11.0).
854  J. E. McGaha (near Tucson, AZ, USA, 0.36-m f/10 Schmidt-Cassegrain
     reflector).  USNO-A2.0 catalogue for astrometry and photometry.
     Fifteen stacked 30-s images show a 42"-diameter bright coma with a
     fan-shaped tail spanning 60 deg (90" long at p.a. 70 deg, the center
     of the fan).  Red magnitudes from single 30-s exposures within specific
     photometric apertures:  30", 14.1; 60", 13.1; 90", 12.2; 180", 11.3.
349  K. Kadota (Ageo, Saitama-ken, Japan, 0.25-m f/5 reflector).  On Mar.
     15.41, bright coma of diameter 3'.8, with strong central condensation
     and no tail.  Tycho-2 catalogue used for magnitude.
900  Y. Ikari (Moriyama, Shiga-ken, Japan, 0.26-m f/7 reflector).
     Communicated by Nakano.
367  H. Abe (Yatsuka-cho, Shimane-ken, Japan, 0.26-m f/6 reflector).
     Communicated by Nakano.

     The following preliminary parabolic orbital elements are by Nakano
from 33 of the above observations:

     T = 2009 Apr.  7.337 TT          Peri. =  46.988
                                      Node  = 105.823   2000.0
     q = 0.60849 AU                   Incl. = 128.582

     M. Kusiak, Astronomical Observatory, Jagiellonian University, reports
that comet C/2009 E1 is visible in SOHO SWAN ultraviolet images at website
URL http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/summary/swan/swan-images.html.
He measures the following coordinates in the images (x and y being 0.0 at
the upper left):  Mar. 5, x = 504, y = 327 (R.A. = 2h59m, Decl. = -3o50');
Mar. 11, x = 510, y = 311 (R.A. = 2h53m, Decl. = +4o00'); Mar. 12, x = 511,
y = 307 (R.A. = 2h50m, Decl. = +5o50').  He estimates the total mag at about
     Visual total-magnitude and coma-diameter estimates for C/2009 E1:
Mar. 14.85 UT, 9.6, 4'.5 (J. J. Gonzalez, Leon, Spain, 0.20-m reflector;
zodiacal light); 15.103, 10:, 3' (A. Hale, Cloudcroft, NM, U.S.A., 41-cm
reflector; clouds; small condensed area within a diffuse coma).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2009 CBAT
2009 March 15                    (CBET 1721)              Daniel W. E. Green

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