[IAUC] IAUC 9055: Sats OF JUPITER; C/2009 A7, C/2009 B8-B11,, C/2009 C3-C4 [25139-2009/08-R1]

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Mie Jul 8 01:06:33 ART 2009

                                                  Circular No. 9055
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     A. A. Christou, Armagh Observatory, reports that his CCD
photometry of Jupiter V (Amalthea), obtained by F. Lewis (Faulkes
Telescope Project, Open University) using the 2-m Faulkes Telescope
South (+ Pan-STARRS z' filter) reveals an eclipse of this satellite
by Jupiter I (Io) on June 23 UT.  Twenty-five 5-sec exposures were
acquired between June 23.64799 and 23.66425.  Amalthea was visible
in all these frames with the exception of those starting at June
23.65317 and 23.65379 UT, consistent with a totality between June
23.65292 and 23.65401 predicted by utilizing a generic mutual-
eclipse model (Christou 2005, Icarus 178, 171) in combination with
the SPICE ephemeris kernel JUP230 for the Galilean satellites and
Amalthea.  Observations at high cadence (<< 60 s) of further
eclipses of Amalthea by Io are encouraged during the current Jovian
equinox season.  Predictions for July and August 2009 are given at
website URL http://www.arm.ac.uk/~aac/amalthea/.

COMETS C/2009 A7, C/2009 B8-B11, AND C/2009 C3-C4 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9042, additional apparent comets have been
found on SOHO website images -- all Kreutz sungrazers except for
C/2009 B10 (Meyer group).  C/2009 A7 was stellar in appearance (mag
about 7-7.5) in the C3 images; it was also imaged with the SECCHI
HI-1A camera, which showed it to be small and slightly diffuse at
mag about 11.  C/2009 B8 was slightly diffuse (mag about 7).
C/2009 B9 was stellar in appearance (mag about 7.5).  C/2009 B10
was stellar in appearance (mag about 7.5) and perhaps slightly
elongated.  C/2009 B11 was also stellar in appearance (mag about 7-
7.5).  C/2009 C3 was bright (mag about 2-3) with a thin tail in C3
images, while in C2 images it showed a long, thin tail that went
past the field-of-view and showed no appreciable 'head'.  C/2009 C4
was slightly elongated, peaking at mag about 7 (and brightening in
the last image).

 Comet        2009 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2009 A7    Jan.  4.513   19 14.0  -24 40   C3*    AK   2009-M41
 C/2009 B8         20.971   20 28.0  -21 46   C3     BZ   2009-M41
 C/2009 B9         29.238   21 01.3  -20 01   C3     ZX   2009-M41
 C/2009 B10        29.271   20 51.3  -16 28   C2     ZX   2009-M42
 C/2009 B11        30.804   21 09.7  -18 51   C3     TH   2009-M42
 C/2009 C3    Feb.  4.279   21 40.6  -18 41   C3/2   RM   2009-M42
 C/2009 C4          7.936   21 52.8  -17 05   C3     BZ   2009-M54

                      (C) Copyright 2009 CBAT
2009 July 6                    (9055)            Daniel W. E. Green

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