[IAUC] IAUC 9014: R CrB; C/2003 Q1, Q6; C/2008 R13,, C/2008 S4-S8 (SOHO); eta Car [25139-2009/08-R1]

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                                                  Circular No. 9014
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     M. Templeton, AAVSO, informs us that this variable is
apparently at or near its historic minimum; a number of observers
have found this star to be fainter than visual mag 14.0 since early
Nov. 2008, and both visual and instrumental measures are now
indicating V >/= 14.5.  R CrB began its current fading episode
around 2007 July 6 and faded from m_v about 6.0 to > 12.0 by 2007
Aug. 12 (cf. CBET 1052); the star has continued to fade for the
past 17 months.  The duration of the current episode and its depth
are similar to that observed during the previous extreme fading
episode that began around June 1963 and continued (with only one
brief interruption) until around Dec. 1965, when R CrB faded to
visual mag about 14.5.

COMETS C/2003 Q1, Q6; C/2008 R13, AND C/2008 S4-S8 (SOHO)
     Further to IAUC 9011, additional Kreutz sungrazing comets have
been found on SOHO website images.  C/2008 R13 (which was
inadvertently tabulated on IAUC 9011; peak magnitude about 7.5),
C/2008 S4 (peak mag about 6.5-7), and C/2008 S5 (peak mag about 7)
were small and stellar in appearance.  C/2008 S6 was tiny and
stellar in appearance (mag about 7.5) in C3 images, but quite
diffuse and very faint in C2 images.  C/2008 S7 was small and
stellar in appearance (mag about 6.5-7) in C3 images, but very
diffuse and slightly elongated in C2 images.  C/2008 S8 was stellar
in appearance (mag about 6.5-7) in C3 images, but diffuse with a
very faint, diffuse, short tail in C2 images.

 Comet       2008 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2008 S4   Sept.17.571   11 23.1  + 0 54   C3     RM   2008-X25
 C/2008 S5        19.696   11 31.2  + 0 18   C3     RM   2008-Y04
 C/2008 S6        28.388   12 09.3  - 3 43   C3/2   MK   2008-Y04
 C/2008 S7        29.096   12 03.6  - 3 46   C3/2   JR   2008-Y04
 C/2008 S8        30.179   12 08.4  - 4 12   C3/2   MK   2008-Y04

     K. Battams adds that C/2003 Q1 and C/2003 Q6 (cf. IAUC 8339)
were both tiny and stellar in appearance (peaking at mag about 8-
8.5); improved astrometry for these presumed comets was published
on MPEC 2008-Y06.

     Corrigendum.  On IAUC 9011, line 12, FOR  reached -3204 km/s
READ  reached -320 km/s

                      (C) Copyright 2008 CBAT
2009 January 28                (9014)            Daniel W. E. Green

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