[IAUC] IAUC 9100: V1722 Aql = N Aql 2009 [25139-2010/01-R1]

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Mie Dic 23 00:25:42 ART 2009

                                                  Circular No. 9100
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     K. Nishiyama (Kurume, Fukuoka-ken, Japan) and F. Kabashima
(Miyaki-cho, Saga-ken, Japan) report their discovery of a possible
nova (mag 10.9) on two 40-s unfiltered CCD frames (limiting mag
13.3) taken on Dec. 14.40 UT using a 105-mm f/4 camera lens.
Confirming frames (limiting mag 18.4) taken around Dec. 14.408 with
a 0.40-m reflector yield mag 10.9 and the following position for
the variable:  R.A. = 19h14m09s.73, Decl. = +15o16'34".7 (equinox
2000.0).  Following posting on the CBAT's unconfirmed-objects
webpage, P. Corelli (Pagnacco, Italy, 0.45-m reflector) writes that
an unfiltered CCD exposure from Dec. 14.79 yields position end
figures 09s.69, 34".0; Corelli adds that nothing is visible at this
position on a Digitized Sky Survey plate (limiting red mag
approximately 21.5).  Additional magnitudes for the new object:
Dec. 6.417, [13.7 (Nishiyama and Kabashima); 7.412, [13.6
(Nishiyama and Kabashima); 14.710, 11.4 (W. Vollmann, Vienna,
Austria; visual); 14.791, 10.8 (Corelli); 15.700, 10.4 (K. Hornoch,
Ondrejov, Czech Republic; visual).  Spectroscopic confirmation of
this variable as a nova was reported by K. Kinugasa, H. Takahashi,
S. Honda, H. Taguchi, and O. Hashimoto with the Gunma Astronomical
Observatory 1.5-m telescope (+ GLOWS; range 420-800 nm; resolution
1.0 nm) on Dec. 15.4 UT; and by U. Munari, Istituto Nazionale di
Astrofisica, Padova Astronomical Observatory; and P. Valisa, Asiago
Novae and Symbiotic Stars (ANS) collaboration, with the Varese
0.6-m telescope (range 390-860 nm) on Dec. 15.8.  Munari and Valisa
find the nova to be of the Fe II type, with Balmer and Fe II lines
in emission and displaying P-Cyg profiles, adding that strong
interstellar lines and diffuse interstellar bands suggest a high
reddening.  Both groups find the FWHM of the H_alpha emission to be
about 1000-1025 km/s; the Balmer series and Fe II (multiplets 42,
49) show P-Cyg profiles.  Munari notes that the continuum is
characterized by the deep absorption lines characteristic of novae
close to their maximum brightness.  The following magnitudes were
measured by Munari and his ANS-collaboration colleagues G. L.
Righetti, S. Dallaporta, and G. Cherini (using Tycho-2 field stars
around the nova, transformed to Johnson magnitudes following Bessell
2000, PASP 112, 961):  Dec. 15.74, V = 10.43, B-V = +1.43; 16.70, V
= 10.32, B-V = +1.59; 17.69, V = 10.29, B-V = +1.70; 18.69, V =
10.67, B-V = +1.46.
     Additional details are given on CBETs 2075 and 2076.  E.
Kazarovets reports that the GCVS team has assigned the designation
V1722 Aql to this nova.

                      (C) Copyright 2009 CBAT
2009 December 22               (9100)            Daniel W. E. Green

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