[IAUC] IAUC 8874: V5558 Sgr; 2007gw-2007kd [25139-2008/05-R1]

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Vie Sep 28 00:40:45 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8874
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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     D. K. Lynch, R. W. Russell, R. J. Rudy, and R. Pearson,
Aerospace Corporation; and C. E. Woodward, University of Minnesota,
report 0.8- to 2.5-micron spectroscopy of V5558 Sgr (cf. IAUC 8832,
8854) using the Infrared Telescope Facility (+ SpeX) on Sept. 12 UT.
The nova shows a rich spectrum with many strong, narrow emission
lines (FWHM 620 km/s) of H I, He I, O I, Ca II, Fe II, and [N I].
All of the H I lines show P-Cyg profiles, and there is a pronounced
Paschen jump.  In addition to the P-Cyg profiles on the He I 1.0830-
and 2.0581-micron lines, some of the other He I and Fe II lines
show P-Cyg profiles, indicating significant optical depths in these
lines.  There is no evidence of dust formation.
     CCD V magnitudes from M. Martignoni, Magnago, Italy:  Sept.
11.836 UT, 8.33; 12.823, 8.40; 19.792, 8.61.

SUPERNOVAE 2007gw-2007kd
     Further to IAUC 8864, CBETs have announced numerous new
supernovae discovered on CCD frames (unfiltered unless otherwise
noted):  2007gw by K. Itagaki; 2007hj, 2007il, 2007ir, and 2007is
by W. Li et al.; 2007hu and 2007hv by A. Sehgal and T. Puckett et
al.; 2007if and 2007iu by F. Yuan, R. Quimby, et al. (ROTSE; cf.
IAUC 8843); 2007ig by H. Naito (Nishi-Harima Astronomical
Observatory; R-band images); 2007iq and 2007iv by T. Boles (cf.
IAUC 8843); 2007iw by L. A. G. Monard; and 2007kc and 2007kd by M.
Villi (cf. IAUC 8658).  SN 2007it was found visually by R. Evans,
Hazelbrook, N.S.W.; 2007hw-2007ie, 2007ih-2007ik, and 2007ix-2007kb
were found by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II and communicated by
J. Frieman (details on CBETs 1057, 1061, 1076, 1079, and 1081); the
rest were found on Palomar Schmidt images and reported anonymously
by the "Nearby Supernova Factory" collaboration (details on CBETs
1043, 1044, 1047, 1050, 1054, and 1063).  Discovery observations
tabulated for those objects reported to be brighter than mag 17:

SN       2007 UT       R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2007gw   Aug. 24.48   12 11 34.60  +57 44 15.9  16.7   9".5 E, 1" N
2007hj   Sept. 1.32   23 01 47.89  +15 35 11.4  15.9   6".7 W, 14" N
2007is        14.14   16 47 14.59  +40 14 36.9  16.6   2".0 W, 5".7 S
2007it        13.44   14 18 25.63  -43 22 53.8  13.5   24" W, 25" N
2007kc        21.78   13 21 34.92  +42 16 50.0  15.8   10" W, 4" S
2007kd        23.12    9 25 58.01  +34 37 59.3  16.6   3" E, 12" N

                      (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 September 27              (8874)            Daniel W. E. Green

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