[IAUC] IAUC 8866: P/2007 N1 = P/2000 P3; 2007 DT_103; (160256) 2002 PD_149 [25139-2008/05-R1]

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Mie Sep 5 11:36:33 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8866
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
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COMET P/2007 N1 = P/2000 P3 (McNAUGHT)
     S. Nakano, Sumoto, Japan, has identified previously
unpublished observations on three nights in 2000 August and
November from the NEAT and LONEOS surveys with comet P/2007 N1 (cf.
IAUC 8855, 8860).  Following the announcement of this
identification on MPEC 2007-R04, M. Meyer (Limburg, Germany) and R.
J. Bouma (Groningen, The Netherlands) each independently found
additional unrecognized NEAT images of the comet obtained with the
Haleakala 1.2-m reflector from 2000 Sept. 3 and Dec. 19 -- Meyer
noting the comet to be diffuse with a tail, and Bouma writing that
a stacked image from the Dec. exposures revealing a 4" coma and a
faint tail about 6" long in p.a. 45 +/- 5 deg; Meyer's astrometry
appears on MPEC 2007-R17.

2007 DT_103
     L. A. M. Benner, S. J. Ostro, J. D. Giorgini, J. Van Brimmer,
L. Juare, J. S. Jao, R. F. Jurgens, and M. A. Slade, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California Institute of Technology (CIT); and M. W.
Busch, CIT, report that Goldstone (8560-mHz, 3.5-cm) radar
observations during July 26, 28, and Aug. 1 reveal that minor
planet 2007 DT_103 (cf. MPEC 2007-F20; MPO 121877) is a binary
system.  Preliminary estimates for the component diameters are
about 0.3 km and > 80 m.  The maximum orbital distance between the
components is at least 0.45 km.

(160256) 2002 PD_149
     K. S. Noll and S. D. Kern, Space Telescope Science Institute
(STScI); W. M. Grundy, Lowell Observatory; D. C. Stephens, Brigham
Young University; and H. F. Levison, Southwest Research Institute,
report the detection of a binary companion to the transneptunian
object (160256) 2002 PD_149 (MPEC 2002-S49; MPO 121459).  The
observations were made during May 22.195-22.212 UT with the
Planetary Camera of the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on the Hubble
Space Telescope, using the F606W filter (wide V) with one 260-s
exposure at each of three dithered positions on the detector.  The
two components were separated by an angular distance of 0".74 +/-
0".01 and differ in brightness by 0.4 mag.  The fainter component
lies at a position angle of 62.0 +/- 0.8 deg from the primary.  The
projected separation of the objects in the sky plane is 24400 +/-
300 km.

                      (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 September 5               (8866)            Daniel W. E. Green

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