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Sab Nov 17 21:30:21 ART 2007

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 1142
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
M.S. 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS en CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
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     P. Brown, R. J. Weryk, D. K. Wong, and J. Jones, University of Western
Ontario, have contributed thirteen new meteor showers to the IAU Meteor Shower
Working List (cf. CBET 1088), based on results from five years of observations
by the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (Brown et al. 2007. Icarus, in press).  P.
Jenniskens, Chair of IAU Commission 22's Task Group on Meteor Shower
Nomenclature, reports that the following showers were added to the Working
List.  In the table below, the solar longitude, R.A., and Decl. are given in
degrees for equinox 2000.0; V_g is the geocentric speed of the meteoroid at
the earth, but outside the earth's gravitational field; the span over which
the shower is active in degrees of solar longitude; and d_RA and d_Dec are the
drifts in the radiant position (in R.A. and Decl., respectively) for every
advance of one degree of solar longitude.

No.  Meteor-shower Name     long.   R.A.   Decl.   V_g   Span     d_RA  d_Dec
319  January Leonids        282.5   148.3  +23.9  52.7  280-284   0.66  -0.14
320  omega Serpentids       275.5   242.7  + 0.5  38.9  271-279   0.76  +0.11
321  theta Cor Borealids    296.5   232.3  +35.8  38.7  293-303   0.70  -0.06
322  lambda Bootids         295.5   219.6  +43.2  41.8  285-297   0.88  -0.69
323  xi Cor Borealids       294.5   244.8  +31.1  44.3  291-303   0.69  -0.11
324  epsilon Perseids        95.5    58.2  +37.9  44.8   92-107   0.78  +0.15
325  Daytime lambda Taurids  85.5    56.7  +11.5  36.4   70- 98   0.82  +0.27
326  epsilon Pegasids       105.5   326.3  +14.7  29.9  104-106   1.50  +0.45
327  beta Equuleids         106.5   321.5  + 8.7  31.6  104-112   0.69  -0.28
328  alpha Lacertids        105.5   343.0  +49.6  38.9  102-110   0.70  +0.37
329  Daytime kappa Leonids  182.5   161.5  +15.4  43.3  171-193   0.55  -0.26
330  sigma Serpentids       275.5   242.8  - 0.1  42.7  261-279   0.75  -0.14
331  alpha Hydrids          285.5   127.6  - 7.9  43.6  281-289   0.65  -0.17

A new group name was also added:  the "Bootid-Coronae Borealid" Complex
(List no. 332), which includes the theta Coronae Borealids, the lambda
Bootids, and the xi Coronae Borealids.  Details are given at the IAU Meteor
Data Center's website:  http://www.ta3.sk/IAUC22DB/MDC2007/.  The list is
maintained by T. Jopek, Poznan University.
     According to Jenniskens, the sigma Serpentids, omega Serpentids, and
epsilon Perseids are newly reported.  Other showers were previously observed,
but had not been characterized, prior to the Brown et al. work, in a manner
sufficient for inclusion in the Meteor Shower Working List.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2007 CBAT
2007 November 17                 (CBET 1142)              Daniel W. E. Green

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