[IAUC] IAUC 8693: 2006ba, 2006bb, 2006bc, 2006bd, 2006be, 2006bf; 73P [25139-2006/04-R1]

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                                                  Circular No. 8693
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SUPERNOVAE 2006ba, 2006bb, 2006bc, 2006bd, 2006be, 2006bf
     Six new apparent supernovae have been reported from unfiltered
CCD images:  2006ba by L. A. G. Monard (cf. IAUC 8690); 2006bc by
R. Martin (cf. IAUC 8496); 2006be by N. J. Ponticello and W. Li
(LOSS/KAIT; cf. IAUC 8691); and the rest by T. Puckett (cf. IAUC
8691; with R. Gagliano for 2006bb and 2006bf, and with L. Cox for

SN      2006 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006ba  Mar. 19.81   9 43 13.40  - 9 36 53.0  18.4  21" E, 8" S
2006bb  Mar. 25.10   8 33 31.09  +41 31 04.1  17.4  3".6 E, 27".5 S
2006bc  Mar. 24.65   7 21 16.50  -68 59 57.3  16.0  19" W, 8" N
2006bd  Mar. 26.20  11 38 28.46  +20 31 34.4  18.2  14".5 W, 5".2 S
2006be  Mar. 24.51  15 45 39.00  +28 05 19.2  15.4  6".2 W, 0".5 S
2006bf  Mar. 27.35  12 58 50.68  + 9 39 30.1  17.7  3".1 W, 15".5 N

Additional approximate magnitudes for 2006ba in NGC 2980:  Feb.
5.036 UT, [18.8; Mar. 25.847, 17.7 +/- 0.2.  Nothing is visible at
the location of 2006ba on a Digitized Sky Survey image (limiting
red mag 20.5).  Additional magnitudes for 2006bb in UGC 4468:  Mar.
7, [18.5; 26.021, 17.3.  Additional approximate magnitudes for
2006bc in NGC 2397:  Mar. 16.587, [18.5; 25.618, 16.0.  Additional
magnitudes for 2006bd in UGC 6609:  Jan. 5, [19.2; Mar. 27.208,
18.0.  Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006be in IC 4582:  Feb.
22.53, [19.0; Mar. 27.45, 15.4.  Additional magnitudes for 2006bf
in UGC 8093:  Jan. 6, [19.3; Mar. 28.117, 17.7.

     Further to CBET 439 and IAUC 8692, E. J. Christensen, Mt.
Lemmon Survey, has reported four further components of comet 73P
from observations with the 1.5-m reflector on Mar. 24.5 and 25.5 UT
(and in some cases from Mar. 23.5).  Component 'P', with magnitude
estimates in the range 19.8-21.7, has positions corresponding to T
= 2006 June 7.88 TT.  Component 'Q', of mag 20.7-21.3, has T = 2006
June 7.74.  Component 'R', of mag 20.5-20.8, has T = 2006 June 8.20.
Component 'S', of mag 20.9-21.5, has T only some 0.001 day earlier
than component 'K', which has now been redetected at mag 20.9-21.3.
The astrometric observations are provided on MPEC 2006-F33.
     Visual total-magnitude estimates for component 'C':  Mar.
19.96 UT, 10.7 (W. Hasubick, Buchloe, Germany, 0.44-m reflector);
23.80, 10.5 (Y. Nagai, Gunma, Japan, 45x141 binoculars).

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 March 28                  (8693)            Daniel W. E. Green

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