[IAUC] IAUC 8723: Sats OF PLUTO; 2006db, 2006dc, 2006dd; 2006ap, 2006cz, 2006da [25139-2007/05-R1]

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     Further to IAUC 8648, the IAU Working Group for Planetary
System Nomenclature has approved the following new designations and
names of satellites of Pluto:

    Pluto II        Nix         = S/2005 P 2
    Pluto III       Hydra       = S/2005 P 1

SUPERNOVAE 2006db, 2006dc, 2006dd
     Three additional supernovae have been discovered on unfiltered
CCD images:  2006db by R. Quimby and P. Mondol (cf. IAUC 8622),
2006dc by W. Li (LOSS/KAIT; cf. IAUC 8721), and 2006dd by L. A.
G. Monard (cf. IAUC 8709).

SN      2006 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006db  June 16.18  11 55 38.69  +44 23 01.4  17.2  4".6 E, 0".5 N
2006dc  June 18.36  16 16 04.04  -22 37 16.7  17.8  6".3 E, 14".6 N
2006dd  June 19.17   3 22 41.62  -37 12 13.0  15.0  0".3 W, 16" N

Additional approximate magnitudes for 2006db:  2005 Mar. 4 and Apr.
8, [18.4 (co-addition of images); 2006 June 17.17 UT, 16.8.
Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006dc in IC 4596:  May 20.44, [19.0;
30.42, 18.0; June 19.29, 17.7.  Additional approximate magnitudes
by Monard for 2006dd in NGC 1316:  June 2.153, [17.5 (unfiltered);
20.158, B = 14.66, V = 14.41, R = 14.60, I = 14.30.  Nothing is
visible at the location of 2006dd on the Digitized Sky Survey
(limiting red mag 20.5).
     S. Blondin et al. report that 2006db and 2006dc are both
type-IIn supernovae (CBETs 551, 552).  S. Immler et al. report on
CBET 554 that photometry of 2006dd are suggestive of its being a
young type-II supernova, with V = 14.0 on June 20.71 UT.

SUPERNOVAE 2006ap, 2006cz, 2006da
     The following recently discovered supernovae have been
classified spectroscopically by Blondin et al. as type-Ia events;
listed are SN designation, announcement IAUC, date of spectroscopy
and approximate of age then with respect to maximum light, and the
CBET where the details appear:  2006ap, IAUC 8683, Mar. 4.5 UT, +2
weeks, CBET 418; 2006cz, 8721, June 17, +1 day, 550; 2006da, 8722,
June 17, +1 week, 550.

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 June 21                   (8723)            Daniel W. E. Green

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