[IAUC] IAUC 8728: V2575 Oph; 2006dm, 2006dn, 2006do [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 17:06:37 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8728
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     R. J. Rudy, D. K. Lynch, C. C. Venturini, S. Mazuk, D.
Broadwater, and M. Cowan, The Aerospace Corporation; R. C. Puetter,
University of California at San Diego; and R. B. Perry, Langley
Research Center, NASA, report 0.47- to 2.5-micron spectroscopy of
V2575 Oph (cf. IAUC 8671, 8710) on June 14.34 UT using the VNIRIS
spectrograph on the Lick 3-m telescope.  The nova shows strong H I
and very strong He I emission with He II weakly present.  The
object is heavily reddened, with E(B-V) = 1.5 as deduced from the
O I lines.  [O I] and [N II] emission lines are present at the
optical wavelengths.  The permitted emission lines display broad,
doubled profiles with FHWM about 1700 km/s.  The profiles of the
forbidden lines are narrower (1100 km/s) and are not doubled.
There is no evidence for emission from dust.  The following
magnitudes for V2575 Oph were determined from the spectroscopy:  V
= 15.3, J = 10.7, H = 11.0, K = 10.1.

SUPERNOVAE 2006dm, 2006dn, 2006do
     Three additional supernovae have been discovered on unfiltered
KAIT images taken in the course of the Lick Observatory Supernova
Search (cf. IAUC 8727), as reported by J. Schwehr and W. Li:

SN      2006 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006dm  July 3.44   23 41 47.84  - 3 40 08.4  17.3  7".6 E, 6".3 S
2006dn  July 5.45   22 47 37.84  +39 52 46.8  17.8  4".5 E, 2".9 N
2006do  July 5.48   23 32 03.08  -27 43 31.8  16.7  5".0 W, 2".4 N

Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006dm in MCG -01-60-21:  June 21.49
UT, [18.5; July 4.49, 16.9.  SN 2006dm is a type-Ia supernova that
was discovered a few days before maximum light (cf. CBET 569, 570).
Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006dn in UGC 12188:  2005 Dec.
17.10, [19.0; 2006 June 9.49, [18.5; 26.49, 18.7.  SN 2006dn is a
type-Ib supernova, discovered around a week past maximum (cf. CBET
573).  Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006do in ESO 470-G18:  2005
Dec. 14.09, [19.0; 2006 June 24.49, [18.0; July 6.48, 16.7.  SN
2006do is a type-Ia supernova, discovered a few days before maximum
(cf. CBET 573).

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 July 10                   (8728)            Daniel W. E. Green

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