[IAUC] IAUC 8736: 2006du, 2006dx, 2006dy, 2006dz, 2006ea, 2006eb, 2006ec [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 17:06:19 ART 2007

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SUPERNOVAE 2006du, 2006dx, 2006dy, 2006dz, 2006ea, 2006eb, 2006ec
     Six additional apparent supernovae have been discovered on CCD
images (all unfiltered except for 2006dz):  2006dx by the "Nearby
Supernova Factory" collaboration (cf. CBET 584) on NEAT images
obtained at Palomar; 2006dy by K. Itagaki (communicated by S.
Nakano; cf. IAUC 8700); 2006dz by C. Contreras and G. Folatelli
(Carnegie Supernova Project) on images obtained in six different
optical bands at Las Campanas Observatory; 2006ea and 2006ec by N.
Joubert, D. Madison, D. Winslow, and W. Li (LOSS/KAIT; cf. IAUC
8733); and 2006eb by R. Quimby (cf. IAUC 8622, 8723).

SN      2006 UT       R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006dx  July 19.34   21 10 34.49  -21 34 42.7  19.2      --
2006dy  July 25.54   14 22 11.45  +13 55 14.2  16.6  10" E, 9" N
2006dz  May  31.14   13 30 00.37  +13 24 43.1  20.0  30" W, 15" S
2006ea  July 25.35   22 39 37.91  +11 46 16.0  18.8  6".2 E, 3".9 N
2006eb  July 22.41    1 13 41.10  - 0 06 06.4  17.5  10".5 W, 3".8 N
2006ec  Aug.  4.43   23 38 12.46  -20 46 48.6  16.7  10".5 W, 7".0 N

SNe 2006du (cf. IAUC 8733) and 2006dx are both type-II supernovae
(details given on CBET 584).  Additional available magnitudes for
2006dy in NGC 5587:  2002 Jan. 19, [19.0 (Itagaki); 2006 June 28,
[19.5 (Itagaki); July 22.22 UT, 18.5 (Li, via KAIT); 26.20, 16.5
(Li, via KAIT).  Itagaki adds that nothing is visible at the
position of 2006dy on the Digitized Sky Survey.  Li reports the
following position end figures for 2006dy from a KAIT image taken
on July 26.20:  11s.55, 13".8.  SN 2006dy is a type-Ia supernova,
some 10 days before maximum light on July 26 (cf. CBET 587).
Further to the tabulated Sloan r' magnitude above, additional
magnitudes for 2006dz in NGC 5185:  May 17, [21.7; June 4.10, 19.0;
5.15, 19.0; 7.10, 18.9; 8.09, 18.9; 11.07, 19.0; 12.09, 19.0
(additional details given on CBET 588).  Additional KAIT magnitudes
for 2006ea in UGC 12134:  2005 Nov. 20.12, [19.5; 2006 July 10.36,
[18.7; 26.39, 18.8.  SN 2006ea is probably a type-Ib event, about 1
week past maximum on July 27 (details on CBET 589).  Additional
magnitudes for 2006eb in UGC 771:  2005 Aug. 22-Dec. 3 (co-addition
of images), [19.0; 2006 July 24.41, 17.5.  SN 2006eb is a type-Ia
supernova some weeks past maximum (details on CBET 592).
Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006ec in MCG -04-55-14:  July 3.44,
[18.6; Aug. 5.46, 17.0.  A KAIT image from July 16.45 also shows a
hint of 2006ec (limiting mag 17.4).

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 August 5                  (8736)            Daniel W. E. Green

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