[IAUC] IAUC 8751: (120347) 2004 SB_60; 2006gi, 2006gj; V733 Cep [25139-2007/05-R1]

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(120347) 2004 SB_60
     K. S. Noll, Space Telescope Science Institute; H. F. Levison,
Southwest Research Institute; D. C. Stephens, Johns Hopkins
University; and W. M. Grundy, Lowell Observatory, report the
detection of a binary companion to the transneptunian object
(120347) 2004 SB_60 (MPEC 2005-J26, 2005-J28, MPO 88617; orbital
elements a = 41.97 AU, e = 0.109, i = 23.92 deg, epoch 2006 Sept.
22.0 TT).  The observations were made during 2006 July 21.900-
21.925 UT with the High Resolution Camera of the Advanced Camera
for Surveys on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), using the clear
filters with one 300-s exposure at each of four dithered positions
on the detector.  The two components are clearly resolved in each
image and in the coadded image, separated by an angular distance of
0".110 +/- 0".002 and differing in brightness by 2.3 magnitudes.
The fainter component lies at a position angle of 154.8 +/- 0.6 deg
from the primary.  The projected separation of the objects in the
sky plane is 3440 +/- 60 km.  The HST corrected for parallax and
tracked both components of (120347) as they moved together at an
average rate of 0".034/min.

SUPERNOVAE 2006gi AND 2006gj
     Two apparent supernovae have been discovered on unfiltered CCD
images:  2006gi by K. Itagaki (cf. IAUC 8744; communicated by S.
Nakano, Sumoto, Japan), and 2006gj by T. Puckett and D. Toth (cf.
IAUC 8750).

SN      2006 UT     R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006gi  Sept. 18.78  10 16 46.76  +73 26 26.4  16.3  30" W, 144" N
2006gj  Sept. 18.38   3 17 35.80  - 1 41 30.2  17.8  19".3 E, 12".1 N

Additional magnitudes from Itagaki for 2006gi in NGC 3147:  Mar. 22,
[19.0; June 3, [19.0; Sept. 19.399 UT, 16.4.  Nothing is visible at
the location of 2006gi on the Digitized Sky Survey.  Additional
magnitudes for 2006gj in UGC 2650:  2005 Oct. 21, [19.3 (Puckett);
2006 Sept. 19.13, 17.7 (D. Toth, 0.35-m TIE telescope, Las Campanas

     N. N. Samus, Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of
Sciences, reports that the variable star reported on IAUC 8441 by
Persson et al. has been given the designation V733 Cep.

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 September 19              (8751)            Daniel W. E. Green

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