[IAUC] IAUC 8754: 2006gk-2006gz [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 17:05:12 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8754
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SUPERNOVAE 2006gk-2006gz
     Ten additional type-Ia supernovae (2006gk-2006gp, 2006gu-
2006gx) and one probable type-II supernova (2006gq), most in the
magnitude range g = 21-22, have been reported by J. Frieman, on
behalf of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey II collaboration, with
details published on CBETs 637 and 643.  Also, five additional new
apparent supernovae (tabulated below) have been reported from
unfiltered CCD images:  2006gr by R. R. Prasad and W. Li (LOSS/
KAIT; cf. IAUC 8750); 2006gs by K. Itagaki (cf. IAUC 8751;
communicated by S. Nakano, Sumoto, Japan); 2006gt and 2006gy by R.
Quimby and P. Mondol (cf. IAUC 8736; details on CBETs 641 and 644);
and 2006gz independently by T. Puckett and A. Pelloni (cf. IAUC
8751; source of tabulated data below) and by D. Winslow and Li

SN      2006 UT       R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006gr  Sept. 21.20  22 32 22.67  +30 49 43.3  18.8  23".2 W, 24".5 S
2006gs  Sept. 22.80  11 56 08.50  +55 23 29.8  17.0  11" E, 3" N
2006gt  Sept. 18.26   0 56 17.30  - 1 37 46.0  18.5  10".8 W, 13".5 S
2006gy  Sept. 18.30   3 17 27.06  +41 24 19.5  15.0  2".0 W, 0".4 N
2006gz  Sept. 26.01  18 10 26.33  +30 59 44.4  17.6  12".5 W, 27".6 S

Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006gr in UGC 12071:  Sept. 3.23 UT,
[19.5; 22.23, 18.3.  SN 2006gr is a type-Ia supernova, well before
maximum light on Sept. 23.2 (details on CBET 642).  Additional
magnitudes from Itagaki for 2006gs in NGC 3977:  2005 May 15, [19.0;
2006 Sept. 21, [17.5; 23.40, 17.0.  Nothing is present at the
location of 2006gs on Digitized Sky Survey images.  Additional
approximate magnitudes for 2006gt:  Sept. 22.25, 18.2; 23.25, 17.8.
SN 2006gt was found by subtracting a co-addition of images taken
between 2005 July 16 and Nov. 7 (limiting mag about 19.1) from the
2006 September images.  SN 2006gt is a type-Ia supernova, around
maximum light on Sept. 23-25 (details on CBETs 641, 645).
Additional approximate magnitudes for 2006gy in NGC 1260:  Sept.
23.28, 14.8; 24.29, 14.9.  SN 2006gy was found by subtracting a
co-addition of images taken between 2005 Sept. 28 and Oct. 25
(limiting mag about 18.1) from the 2006 September images; 2006gy
may be a type-II(n) supernova or an outburst of an active galactic
nucleus (cf. CBETs 647, 648).  Additional approximate magnitudes
for 2006gz in IC 1277:  Sept. 16.21, [19.0 (KAIT); 19, [19.4
(Puckett); 21.12, [18.1 (KAIT); 26.12, 18.0 (KAIT); 27.03, 17.5
(Puckett).  Winslow and Li provide the following LOSS position end
figures for 2006gz:  26s.33, 43".0.

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 September 27              (8754)            Daniel W. E. Green

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