[IAUC] IAUC 8758: 2006ha-2006iu [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 17:04:48 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8758
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SUPERNOVAE 2006ha-2006iu
     Forty-seven additional apparent supernovae have been announced
on CBETs (those reported as brighter than mag 18.5 are tabulated
below), including 25 supernovae found on g, r, and i images and
reported by J. Frieman on behalf of the SDSS II collaboration (most
in the magnitude range g = 20-23; 2006hc-2006hm, 2006ho-2006ib;
details on CBETs 650, 654, 656, and 657), sixteen supernovae found
by the "Nearby Supernova Factory" (NSF) collaboration (2006ic-
2006ir; details on CBET 658); and the following six apparent
supernovae discovered on unfiltered CCD images:  2006ha, 2006hb,
2006is, 2006it, and 2006iu by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search
(via N. Joubert, R. Mostardi, R. R. Prasad, N. Lee, M. Baek, and W.
Li; cf. IAUC 8754); and 2006hn by A. Sehgal, R. Gagliano, and T.
Puckett (cf. IAUC 8754; 0.50-m reflector at Osoyoos, BC).

SN      2006 UT       R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006ha  Sept. 27.24  22 58 34.30  +15 10 25.8  18.4  0".6 W, 3".2 N
2006hb  Sept. 27.52   5 02 01.28  -21 07 55.1  15.7  8".6 E, 18".2 N
2006hn  Sept. 28.46  11 07 18.67  +76 41 49.8  15.6  7".6 N
2006im  Sept. 14.3   22 07 58.11  -23 05 49.9  18.3     --
2006ir  Sept. 23.3   23 04 35.68  + 7 36 21.5  16.9     --
2006is  Sept. 18.54   5 17 34.37  -23 46 54.2  17.0  2".1 W, 4".9 N
2006it  Oct.   1.17  20 43 51.38  +12 30 30.9  17.6  34".4 W, 12".0 S
2006iu  Oct.   1.51   6 36 41.13  +37 36 05.0  17.9  0".6 E, 2".0 N

Additional magnitudes for 2006ha in IC 1461:  Sept. 10.24 UT, [19.0;
19.25, [19.2; 26.25, 18.9.  Additional magnitudes for 2006hb in MCG
-04-12-34:  Feb. 24.12, [19.0; Sept. 11.51, 18.0.  SN 2006hb is a
subluminous type-Ia supernova, near maximum brightness at discovery
(details on CBET 652).  Additional magnitudes for 2006hn in UGC
6154:  June 8, [19.5 (Puckett); Sept. 29.21, 15.5 (Sehgal).  Of the
SDSS and NSF discoveries, eight are type-II supernovae (2006ho,
2006hz, 2006ic, 2006ih, 2006ii, 2006ij, 2006im, 2006in), two are
type-Ib/c supernovae (2006ip, 2006ir), and the rest appear to be
type-Ia supernovae.  Additional magnitudes for 2006is:  Feb. 4.11,
[19.0; Sept. 19.54, 16.8; 28.51, 16.4.  There are several faint
galaxies visible on the Digitized Sky Survey images in the
neighborhood of 2006is, which is a type-Ia supernova around maximum
light on Sept. 30 (details on CBET 659).  Additional magnitudes for
2006it in NGC 6956:  Sept. 26.19, [19.2; Oct. 7.24, 17.5.  SN
2006it is a type-IIP supernova (details on CBET 665).  Additional
magnitudes for 2006iu:  Feb. 24.11, [19.0; Oct. 8.53, 18.1.

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 October 11                (8758)            Daniel W. E. Green

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