[IAUC] IAUC 8782: 2006nq, 2006ox-2006qr [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 17:02:56 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8782
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SUPERNOVAE 2006nq AND 2006ox-2006qr
     Six apparent supernovae have been found on unfiltered CCD
images:  2006ox by L. A. G. Monard (cf. IAUC 8779); 2006qn, 2006qo,
2006qq, and 2006qr by N. Joubert, R. R. Prasad, and W. Li (LOSS/
KAIT; cf. IAUC 8779); and 2006qp by K. Itagaki (cf. IAUC 8771; via
S. Nakano).  Also, J. Frieman and the SDSS II collaboration report
(on CBET 762) the discovery of 41 new supernovae (designated
2006oy-2006qm), all in the magnitude range g = 21-23 (most are
type-Ia supernovae, with 2006qk being a probable type-Ic hypernova
and 2006oz a probable type-Ib supernova, along with a couple of
type-II supernovae).

SN      2006 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006ox  Nov. 26.75  19 18 24.21  -60 30 09.9  15.3  13" E, 7" S
2006qn  Nov. 29.51   7 47 44.54  +48 13 18.4  17.9  2".5 W, 4".0 S
2006qo  Nov. 29.57   8 00 08.37  +56 22 07.7  18.9  1".7 W, 10".9 N
2006qp  Nov. 25.85  14 42 30.65  +28 43 25.9  17.1  35" W, 10" S
2006qq  Nov. 30.37   5 19 50.43  -20 58 06.4  17.0  7".0 E, 4".2 S
2006qr  Nov. 30.50   8 38 01.15  - 9 49 06.1  17.9  2".1 W, 5".5 N

Additional magnitudes for 2006ox in NGC 6769:  Oct. 29.75 UT, [18.0;
Nov. 27.739, 15.4 +/- 0.2.  Monard adds that 2006ox is not present
on the Digitized Sky Survey (limiting red mag 20.5).  Additional
KAIT magnitudes for 2006qn in UGC 4022:  Nov. 16.47, [19.2; 30.46,
17.8.  Additional magnitudes for 2006qo in UGC 4133 (which itself
is interacting with UGC 4134):  2003 Feb. 23.23, [19.6; 2006 Nov.
19.52, [18.9; 30.47, 18.5.  SN 2006qn appears to be a type-II
supernova, while 2006qo is probably a type-Ia supernova (details on
CBET 765).  Additional magnitudes for 2006qp in NGC 5735:  Aug. 15,
[18.5 (Itagaki); Nov. 30.86, I about 17.5 (H. Naito, Nishi-Harima
Astronomical Observatory; and M. Shimada, T. Takaki, and H. Yamaoka,
Kyushu University; NHAO 0.60-m reflector).  Nothing is visible at
the location of 2006qp on Itagaki's images prior to Aug. 15
(limiting mag 19.0) or on the Digitized Sky Survey.  Additional
KAIT magnitudes for 2006qq in ESO 553-G36:  Oct. 27.40, [19.0; Dec.
1.38, 16.9.  Additional magnitudes for 2006qr in MCG -02-22-23:
Nov. 16.52, [19.0; Dec. 1.49, 17.9.  Both 2006qq and 2006qr are
type-II supernovae (details on CBET 766).
     T. Glinos reports that SN 2006nq (cf. IAUC 8776) appeared at V
about 17.9 on unfiltered images taken by D. Levy, W. Levy, and
himself with a 0.64-m f/7.2 reflector at Vail, AZ, around Nov.
19.134 UT, the new object's position measured as R.A. = 2h04m24s.03,
Decl. = +9o40'37".6 (equinox 2000.0).

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 December 7                (8782)            Daniel W. E. Green

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