[IAUC] IAUC 8771: 2006lu-2006mx [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 17:03:32 ART 2007

                                                  Circular No. 8771
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SUPERNOVAE 2006lu-2006mx
     Several apparent supernovae have been found on unfiltered CCD
images:  2006lv by G. Duszanowicz (Akersberga, Sweden, 0.32-m
reflector); 2006mo and 2006mq by N. Joubert, N. Lee, and W. Li
(LOSS/KAIT; cf. IAUC 8770); 2006mp by T. Puckett and R. Gagliano
(0.60-m refl.; cf. IAUC 8762); and 2006mr and 2006ms by L. A. G.
Monard (cf. IAUC 8731).

SN      2006 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006lv  Oct. 28.12  11 32 03.30  +36 42 03.6  17.0  10" E, 12" N
2006mo  Nov.  1.24   0 46 38.55  +36 19 57.8  18.2  2".4 W, 4".7 N
2006mp  Nov.  3.99  17 12 00.20  +46 33 20.8  16.9  14".6 E, 2".7 S
2006mq  Oct. 22.56   8 06 12.39  -27 33 45.4  12.7  16".6 E, 124" S
2006mr  Nov.  5.76   3 22 42.84  -37 12 28.5  15.6  14" E, 0".3 N
2006ms  Nov.  6.74  20 38 20.52  -52 06 55.9  17.3  2" E, 18" S

Additional R-band magnitudes for 2006lv in UGC 6517, by Duszanowicz
unless noted otherwise:  2005 Apr. 5.86 UT, [18.0; 11.86, [18.0;
2006 Nov. 2.10, 16.7; 3.03, 15.8 (image by F. Andersson, 0.90-m
reflector, near Uppsala; measurements by J. Warell).  SN 2006lv
appears to be a type-Ib/c supernova after maximum light (details on
CBET 722).  Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006mo in MCG +06-02-17:
Oct. 20.25, [19.0; Nov. 4.19, 18.2.  MCG +06-02-17 and MCG
+06-02-16 (UGC 480) are interacting galaxies.  SN 2006mo is a
type-Ia supernova discovered before maximum (details on CBET 722).
Additional magnitudes by Puckett for 2006mp in MCG +08-31-29:
Oct. 2, 14, and 24, [19.0; Nov. 5.01, 16.7.  SN 2006mp is a type-Ia
supernova before or at maximum light upon discovery (details on
CBET 724).  Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2006mq in ESO 494-G26:
Feb. 24.12, [19.0; Nov. 5.50, 13.2.  SN 2006mq is a type-Ia
supernova well past maximum light (cf. CBET 731).  Additional
magnitudes for 2006mr in NGC 1316:  Sept. 27.128, [17.0; Nov. 6.765,
15.2 +/- 0.2.  Note that SN 2006dd in NGC 1316 has position end
figures 41s.62, 13".0 (cf. IAUC 8723).  SN 2006mr is a type-Ia
supernova (details on CBET 729).  Additional magnitudes for 2006ms
in NGC 6935:  (Digitized Sky Survey, red), [20.5; 2006 Oct. 12.81,
[18.5; Nov. 7.735, 17.4 +/- 0.2.
     Also, 23 new supernovae (2006lw-2006mn via ESSENCE, with
details on CBET 717; 2006mt-2006mx via SDSS II, from J. Frieman,
with details on CBET 726) of mag 21 or fainter have been reported,
all apparently of type Ia except for 2006lz (type II).  SN 2006lu
(cf. IAUC 8770) is a type-Ia supernova, a few days after maximum on
Nov. 3 (details on CBET 716).

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 November 10               (8771)            Daniel W. E. Green

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