[IAUC] IAUC 8778: (42355), (58534), (65489); 2006nr-2006oq [25139-2007/05-R1]

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(42355), (58534), (65489)
     Further to IAUC 8756, K. S. Noll et al. report the discovery
of a companion to the distant object (65489) = 2003 FX_128 (cf.
MPEC 2003-H33, 2003-J40; MPS 78428) on images obtained with the
Hubble Space Telescope on 2006 Apr. 11.916 UT; the companion at
that time was about 0.6 mag fainter than the primary and was
located 0".085 +/- 0".002 from the primary in p.a. 11.8 +/- 0.2
degrees.  The IAU's Committee on Small-Body Nomenclature has
approved the names Ceto for (65489) and Phorcys for the 'binary'
companion (cf. MPC 57952).  The CSBN has also approved the names
Logos for the transneptunian object (58534) = 1997 CQ_29 and Zoe
for its 'binary' companion (cf. IAUC 7824, 7959; MPC 56962), as
well as the names Typhon for (42355) = 2002 CR_46 and Echidna for
its 'binary' companion (cf. IAUC 8689; Noll et al. 2006, Icarus
184, 611; MPC 57951).

SUPERNOVAE 2006nr-2006oq
     Two apparent supernovae have been reported from unfiltered CCD
images:  2006nr by T. Puckett and A. Pelloni (0.60-m reflector at
Ellijay, GA; cf. IAUC 8567), and 2006oq by E. J. Christensen
(Catalina Sky Survey).

SN      2006 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006nr  Oct. 26.24   5 56 23.51  +85 54 38.8  15.8  41" E, 14" S
2006ob  Nov. 18.29   1 51 48.11  + 0 15 48.3  17.6  5".5 W, 1".6 S
2006oq  Nov. 17.49  11 44 00.07  +19 58 38.3  15.8  31" W, 17" N

Additional magnitudes for 2006nr in UGC 3336:  Sept. 15, [19.5
(Puckett); Nov. 12.16, 16.2 (D. Lane, Stillwater Lake, NS, 0.28-m
reflector).  SN 2006nr is a type-Ia supernova approximately 3 weeks
past maximum on Nov. 18 (details on CBET 744).  Nothing was visible
at the position of 2006oq on 24 CSS images obtained between Mar.
2005 and Apr. 2006 (limiting mag V about 21.5); type-Ia SN 2006oq
was about 2 weeks past maximum on Nov. 21 (details on CBET 748).
On CBETs 743 and 745, J. Frieman and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
II collaboration report 24 additional supernovae (designated
2006ns-2006op, all in the magnitude range g = 19.8-22.3, and most
being type-Ia events) discovered during Oct. 17-Nov. 17.  The data
in the table above for 2006ob are from M. Baek and W. Li (LOSS,
unfiltered KAIT images); additional magnitudes for 2006ob:  Oct.
29.30, [18.9 (LOSS); 7.31, [18.5 (LOSS); 13, 19.9 (SDSS II; g band);
19.31, 17.6 (LOSS).  SN 2006ob was then an early type-Ia supernova.
The non-type-Ia supernovae in this SDSS group are:  2006ns, II;
2006nx, Ib/c hypernova; 2006ny, IIp.

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 November 23               (8778)            Daniel W. E. Green

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