[IAUC] IAUC 8780: C/2006 S12, C/2006 S13, C/2006 T2-T9; C/2006 W3 [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 17:03:04 ART 2007

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COMETS C/2006 S12, C/2006 S13, C/2006 T2-T9 (SOHO)
     Additional apparent comets have been found on SOHO website
images (cf. IAUC 8774), all being Kreutz sungrazers except C/2006
T6 (Meyer group).  K. Battams notes that C/2006 S12 was small,
stellar in appearance, and around mag 6 in C3 coronagraph images,
while it appeared slightly diffuse with no tail in C2 images.
C/2006 S13 was very small and around mag 7 in C3 frames, and it
appeared small, quite diffuse, and extremely faint in C2 exposures.
C/2006 T2 was small, stellar in appearance, and around mag 6 in C3
images, and quite diffuse and faint in C2 frames.  C/2006 T3 was
tiny, stellar in appearance, and of mag about 7.5 in C3 exposures,
but it appeared very diffuse and faint in C2 images.  C/2006 T4
(which was also found by T. Chen) was diffuse and extremely faint
(mag 7.5-8.0) in C3 images, and extremely diffuse and faint in C2
frames.  C/2006 T5 was slightly diffuse, extremely small, and faint
(mag about 8).  C/2006 T6 was tiny and stellar in appearance in all
exposures, being very faint (mag 7.5-8) in C3 frames and fading
rapidly in C2 images.  C/2006 T7 and C/2006 T9 were extremely faint
(mag about 8.5) and diffuse with no tail.  C/2006 T8 was tiny,
stellar in appearance, and of mag about 7.5 in C3 images, while C2
frames showed it to be faint and diffuse with a hint of tail.

 Comet        2006 UT       R.A.(2000)Decl.   Inst.  F    MPEC
 C/2006 S12   Sep. 26.763  11 48.2   - 2 50   C3/2   RM   2006-W64
 C/2006 S13        30.433  12 11.9   - 3 48   C3/2   HS   2006-W64
 C/2006 T2    Oct.  2.113  12 11.4   - 4 52   C3/2   RM   2006-W64
 C/2006 T3          3.263  12 21.6   - 4 59   C3/2   HS   2006-W64
 C/2006 T4          3.279  12 21.5   - 5 01   C3/2   GS   2006-W64
 C/2006 T5          6.314  12 40.7   - 5 43   C2     WX   2006-W65
 C/2006 T6          9.904  12 49.9   - 5 28   C3/2   BZ   2006-W65
 C/2006 T7         10.379  12 54.7   - 7 18   C2     BZ   2006-W65
 C/2006 T8         15.429  13 08.2   - 9 54   C3/2   TH   2006-W65
 C/2006 T9         15.881  13 15.6   - 9 35   C2     TH   2006-W65

     Improved orbital elements (cf. IAUC 8777) from MPEC 2006-W76:

     T = 2009 Apr. 23.508 TT          Peri. = 142.308
                                      Node  = 112.317   2000.0
     q = 2.38612 AU                   Incl. = 125.410

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 November 26               (8780)            Daniel W. E. Green

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