[IAUC] IAUC 8781: C/2006 VZ_13; 2006ou, 2006ov,, 2006ow [25139-2007/05-R1]

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Vie Jun 22 17:03:00 ART 2007

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     An apparently asteroidal object discovered by the LINEAR
survey (discovery observation tabulated below, taken from MPEC
2006-W03 and MPS 187232) has been found to show a very condensed
coma of mag 18.6-18.7 and diameter 8" (with no tail) on R-band CCD
images taken by C. W. Hergenrother on Dec. 1.1 and 2.1 UT with the
University of Arizona's 1.54-m Kuiper reflector in bright moonlight.

     2006 UT             R.A. (2000) Decl.       Mag.
     Nov. 13.13467   22 58 19.72   +42 35 54.0   19.9

     Parabolic orbital elements from MPEC 2006-X16:

     T = 2007 Aug. 11.623 TT          Peri. = 173.942
                                      Node  =  66.149   2000.0
     q = 1.02432 AU                   Incl. = 134.849

SUPERNOVAE 2006ou, 2006ov, AND 2006ow
     Two apparent supernovae have been found on unfiltered CCD
images:  2006ou by T. Puckett and M. Peoples (cf. IAUC 8779),
2006ov by K. Itagaki (cf. IAUC 8771; via S. Nakano), and 2006ow by
T. Boles (cf. IAUC 8716).

SN      2006 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.    Mag.     Offset
2006ou  Nov. 22.41  11 37 13.10  +15 26 07.3  16.0  5".9 W, 9".6 N
2006ov  Nov. 24.86  12 21 55.30  + 4 29 16.7  14.9  5".5 E, 51" N
2006ow  Nov. 26.07   7 35 37.44  +66 24 50.0  17.7  7".9 W, 5".3 S

Additional magnitudes for 2006ou in UGC 6588:  May 22 UT, [19.1;
Nov. 25.40, 16.1.  SN 2006ou is a type-Ia supernova around a month
past maximum (details on CBET 758).  Additional unfiltered CCD
magnitudes for 2006ov in M61 = NGC 4303 (offset above corrected
from CBET 756):  May 4, [19.5 (Itagaki); Nov. 25.764, 14.8 (Itagaki);
25.770, 15.0 (K. Kadota, Ageo, Saitama-ken, Japan, 0.25-m reflector;
via Nakano).  Itagaki reports that nothing is visible at the
location of 2006ov on the Digital Sky Survey.  SN 2006ov is a
type-II supernova, also about a month past maximum (details on CBET
757).  Additional magnitudes for 2006ow in UGC 3908:  1989 Dec. 23,
[20.5 (Digitized Sky Survey, red); 1997 Mar. 9, [21.0 (DSS, blue);
2005 Nov. 3, [19.5 (Boles); 2006 Jan. 2, [19.5 (Boles); 26.902,
18.0 (Boles).  SN 2006ow is a type-Ia supernova past maximum
(details on CBET 765).

                      (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 December 4                (8781)            Daniel W. E. Green

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