[IAUC] CBET 768: 20061206 : SUPERNOVAE 2006ny AND 2006qs-2006ry

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Vie Jun 22 17:03:00 ART 2007

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 768
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
M.S. 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
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SUPERNOVAE 2006ny AND 2006qs-2006ry
     The Nearby Supernova Factory (E. Pecontal and G. Rigaudier, Centre de
Recherche Astronomique de Lyon; P. Antilogus, S. Gilles, R. Pain, and R.
Pereira, Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire et de Haute Energies de Paris;
C. Buton, Y. Copin, E. Gangler, and G. Smadja, Institut de Physique
Nucleaire de Lyon; G. Aldering, C. Aragon, S. Bailey, S. Bongard, M. J.
Childress, S. Loken, P. Nugent, S. Perlmutter, K. Runge, R. Scalzo, R. C.
Thomas, and B. A. Weaver, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley;
R. Kessler, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, Chicago; and C.
Baltay, A. Bauer, D. Herrera, and D. Rabinowitz, Yale University) reports
the discovery of 33 supernovae in images obtained during the months of
October and November, using the QUEST-II camera on the Palomar Oschin 1.2-m
Schmidt telescope.  Those supernovae discovered on Oct. 26 October and Nov.
1 were found in SDSS i-band or r-band images taken in drift-scan mode as a
part of the QUEST component of the Palomar-QUEST Consortium; the other
supernovae were discovered in point-and-track mode as a part of the NEAT
component (cf. CBET 263) of the same Consortium.  Subsequent spectra (range
320-1000 nm) of each target, obtained with the SuperNova Integral Field
Spectrograph on the University of Hawaii 2.2-m telescope, were used for
classification of supernova types (as listed in the table below).
Those type-Ia supernovae with z < 0.08 were all discovered at or after
maximum; the supernovae with z > 0.08 include some that were discovered
before maximum.  The final column below gives the estimated time in weeks
before (-) or after (+) maximum light for the type-Ia supernovae at the
discovery date, based on the spectra; an "M" indicates that the object was
within a few days of maximum at discovery; the three objects labelled "P"
in this column had inadequate S/N to get a satisfactory phase, but they
were clearly post-maximum.  All magnitudes listed below are calibrated to
the R band.

SN       Date UT      R.A. (2000.0) Decl.      Mag.     z      Type  Age
2006qs   Oct. 10.3   0 33 27.32  +11 53 14.8   19.83   0.12    Ia     M
2006qt   Oct. 11.5   3 40 02.72  - 4 34 18.7   18.92   0.01    IIn
2006qu   Oct. 19.2  21 37 01.47  -17 40 09.9   18.87   0.09    Ia     M
2006qv   Oct. 19.4   1 48 32.35  +18 12 19.6   18.82   0.06    Ia    +1
2006qw   Oct. 21.5   3 08 46.88  +18 56 26.0   17.86   0.03    Ia    +2
2006qx   Oct. 22.4   1 02 43.23  +27 41 54.6   19.64   0.12    Ia     M
2006qy   Oct. 23.1  23 45 36.12  -12 11 55.0   19.21   0.10    Ia    +1
2006qz   Oct. 23.2   0 25 21.71  +17 51 48.3   20.25   0.14    Ia    +1
2006ra   Oct. 23.4   2 22 24.92  + 5 22 01.3   19.80   0.13    Ia     M
2006rb   Oct. 24.2  23 35 25.09  + 7 06 46.4   17.69   0.03    Ia     M
2006rc   Oct. 24.3   0 22 18.26  +27 53 19.9   19.80   0.08    IIn
2006rd   Oct. 26.1  23 19 14.02  + 4 59 40.0   18.94   0.06    Ia    +4
2006re   Oct. 26.4   1 41 39.06  + 6 19 20.9   19.66   0.09    Ia    +1
2006rf   Nov.  1.4   1 53 17.76  + 9 23 20.8   19.15   0.10    Ia     P
2006rg   Nov.  1.4  23 32 31.98  + 8 54 17.3   19.01   0.11    Ia     P
2006rh   Nov.  5.4   4 18 52.46  + 8 54 42.2   19.38   0.03    II
2006ri   Nov.  6.3   2 15 57.44  -21 54 19.4   19.58   0.09    Ia     M
2006rj   Nov.  6.4   4 41 02.16  -12 26 02.5   18.98   0.04    II
2006rk   Nov.  6.4   7 16 24.51  +27 37 25.5   16.08   0.01    II
2006rl   Nov.  7.1  23 02 12.91  -15 01 21.4   19.82   0.12    Ia    -1
2006rm   Nov.  7.3   1 26 35.76  + 7 48 43.5   19.85   0.09    Ia     P
2006rn   Nov.  9.2  23 16 04.36  - 8 11 02.2   18.88   0.07    Ia     M
2006ro   Nov.  9.5   3 51 16.85  +26 50 05.4   19.83   0.11    Ia     M
2006rp   Nov.  9.5   4 09 05.52  +34 38 15.6   18.28   0.02    II
2006rq   Nov.  9.6   8 43 22.86  - 3 34 16.2   19.74   0.07    II
2006rr   Nov. 10.3   2 25 28.59  + 7 17 02.5   19.67   0.13    Ia     M
2006rs   Nov. 11.2   0 33 09.13  -13 27 16.2   16.54   0.02    Ia    +2
2006rt   Nov. 11.2   1 31 19.84  -13 56 09.6   19.64   0.07    II
2006ru   Nov. 11.2   2 29 50.20  +23 05 33.5   20.05   0.02    II
2006rv   Nov. 13.2   2 00 00.71  +24 56 15.0   19.52   0.11    Ia    -1
2006rw   Nov. 14.3   3 38 09.57  + 2 26 05.6   19.41   0.08    Ia     M
2006rx   Nov. 17.1  23 43 10.29  -20 40 53.7   19.02   0.08    IIn
2006ry   Nov. 17.5   7 39 51.10  +34 57 33.5   19.39   0.06    II

SN 2006rk appears to be associated with the galaxy MCG +05-17-19.
SN 2006rs appears to be associated with IC 28.
     Also, SN 2006ny (cf. CBET 743) was found independently at mag
19.83 on QUEST images taken on Nov. 14.2 UT (type II; z = 0.07;
R.A. = 0h39m17s.26, Decl. = +0d05'02".9, equinox 2000.0).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 December 6                  (CBET 768)               Daniel W. E. Green

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