[IAUC] CBET 772: 20061207 : SUPERNOVAE 2006sa-2006sq

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Vie Jun 22 17:02:54 ART 2007

                                                  Electronic Telegram No. 772
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
M.S. 18, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
IAUSUBS en CFA.HARVARD.EDU or FAX 617-495-7231 (subscriptions)
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SUPERNOVAE 2006sa-2006sq
     B. Leibundgut, European Southern Observatory (ESO); J. Sollerman,
DARK Cosmology Center; R. Foley, University of California, Berkeley; S.
Rodney, University of Hawaii; P. Challis, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics; and K. Boutsia, ESO, on behalf of the ESSENCE project (cf.
CBET 717; IAUC 8427, 8464), report the discovery of 17 supernovae on
multiple R- and I-band images taken at the Blanco 4-m telescope (equipped
with the MOSAIC II camera) during Nov. 10-29 by project members.
Spectroscopic observations (range 380-890 nm) were obtained with Keck I
(+ LRIS), Keck II (+ DEIMOS), the Very Large Telescope (+ FORS1), and the
Magellan Baade Telescope (+ IMACS).  The table below includes the R-band
discovery magnitude, the redshift (z), the spectroscopic type, and an
estimate of the phase (age, in days from maximum brightness; general
uncertainty +/- 2 days) for each object.

SN       2006 UT      R.A.  (2000.0)  Decl.      R      z    Type  Age
2006sa   Nov. 12    2 05 14.947  - 4 48 51.72   21.0   0.23  IIp    --
2006sb   Nov. 12    2 06 30.310  - 4 05 30.60   20.8   0.3   Ia    + 7
2006sc   Nov. 12    2 10 10.227  - 4 44 12.52   21.8   0.4   Ia      0
2006sd   Nov. 14    1 14 24.155  + 1 02 39.45   21.9   0.1   Ia    - 3
2006se   Nov. 14    1 14 48.054  + 0 06 39.39   22.7   0.6   Ia    + 4
2006sf   Nov. 14    2 08 11.654  - 3 51 40.19   22.5   0.6   Ia    + 7
2006sg   Nov. 14    2 08 13.041  - 3 46 21.93   21.6   0.44  Ic    + 7
2006sh   Nov. 14    2 09 11.064  - 3 44 42.01   23.2   0.3   Ia    + 5
2006si   Nov. 14    2 09 51.327  - 3 43 32.48   22.6   0.5   Ia    + 4
2006sj   Nov. 14    2 10 22.418  - 3 33 09.32   23.0   0.7   Ia    + 6
2006sk   Nov. 14    2 10 33.801  - 4 04 03.86   21.6   0.3   Ia    - 1
2006sl   Nov. 14    2 32 15.952  - 8 48 34.31   22.3   0.4   Ia    +10
2006sm   Nov. 14    2 33 29.487  - 8 30 11.94   22.6   0.6   Ia    + 5
2006sn   Nov. 16    2 06 18.250  - 4 51 33.12   23.0   0.4   Ia    + 7
2006so   Nov. 18    2 33 49.155  - 8 59 15.78   21.5   0.1   Ia    - 7
2006sp   Nov. 24    1 10 55.170  - 0 27 52.32   23.5   0.8   Ia    - 4
2006sq   Nov. 24    2 07 11.629  - 3 57 10.93   23.5   0.2   Ia    - 4

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
      superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

                         (C) Copyright 2006 CBAT
2006 December 7                  (CBET 772)               Daniel W. E. Green

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